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Presidential Memorial Certificate, John Mohor, Associate

I wanted to mention, for the benefit of my fellow associates, that if a family member of a deceased veteran wants a Presidential Memorial Certificate, the request form is VA Form 40-0247 August 2014. (All versions of this form dated before May 2013 will not be accepted or processed. I had to learn the hard way, even after help from a local Veterans office, which gave me an earlier-dated form.)

You now have to certify that, to the best of your knowledge, the decedent has never committed a serious crime, such as murder, sexual offense or other offense that could have resulted in imprisonment for life, etc.

Thanks for doing what you do!
John Mohor, Associate
LTC, USA (Ret)

To download the Presidential Memorial Certificate request form 
online, go to:

Presidential Memorial Certificate


Invites You to Join Your Friends for the
December 14, 15 and 16, 2015 Metropolitan Washington, DC

                  We are back this year by popular demand with invitations to two Embassy receptions. Luxembourg Ambassador Jean-Lois Wolzfeld has invited us to the Luxembourg Embassy, on Monday, 14 December 2015, from 6:30 – 8:30 PM and on Wednesday evening we have been invited by Belgium Ambassador, Johan Verbeke, to his residence on Wednesday, 16 December 2015 from 5:00 – 6:30 PM. We will hold our annual Battle of the Bulge Commemoration Banquet, at the DoubleTree Hilton Crystal City, on Tuesday evening, 15 December 2015, between 6:00 and 10:00 PM. Our speaker for the Banquet will be announced in the November Bulge Bugle. Our bus trip this year on the 15th of December will be to National Archives Museum to view the Charters of Freedom and their Public Vaults Exhibit. The DoubleTree Hotel Crystal City by Hilton, 300 Army-Navy Drive, in Arlington VA 22202 has been selected again, with its panoramic view of our Nation’s Capital. This hotel, just off Route 1, in Crystal City, is a 7 minute drive from Reagan National Airport and a 2 City block walk to the Pentagon City Metro Station and the Pentagon Mall. It provides easy access to Washington DC and has just finished major renovations to the entire hotel for great accommodations. We have managed a reduced rate of $119.00, single or double occupancy, plus taxes, for the evenings of 14th, 15th and 16th December 2015, which is the start of the business week and for those who want to stay up to two days after. For those who want to come in earlier, to relax or enjoy Washington, on the weekend, a $99.00 plus taxes rate for the evenings of the 12th and 13th of December 2015 has been arranged. Check-in time is 4:00 PM however, any guest checking in after 12 noon will be able to do so for no charge, based on the rooms availability. For those driving we have managed a reduced self-parking rate of $10 per night from their normal $27.00 per night rate. We have blocked 35 rooms so it is imperative to make hotel reservations immediately. For room reservations, please call the DoubleTree Reservations (1-800-Hiltons) or 703-416-4100 by December 6, 2015. Mention the BATTLE OF THE BULGE for this special rate.


2:00 PM –   9:00 PM    Registration & Hospitality Room open – Harrison/Jackson Room – Receive Registration Packets with                                      name badges, Banquet/bus tickets. Sign Attendance Books. (If you are only attending the Banquet, (on the 15th this year) you may pick up your tickets at the Hotel by the Washington Room by 6:00 PM Dec 15th.)

3:00 PM – 11:00 PM   Hospitality Room/Exhibits, Books, scrapbooks, memorabilia, snacks & beverages open everyday. Kent Menser, BOB Vice-President and John Bowen, BOB Treasurer will be the hosts.

3:30 PM    We will be having our traditional Tree Trimming Ceremony “Salute to Bulge Veterans” in the Harrison Hospitality Room. Bulge veterans who are attending should send us a WWII picture of you for the tree.

5:30 PM – 8:30 PM      Bus leaves at 5:30 PM for Luxembourg Embassy Reception, downtown Washington, from 6:30 – 8:30 PM


9:15 AM – 9:30 AM  Load buses and depart promptly at 9:30 AM for National Archives, Constitution Ave, Washington DC.

10:30 AM   We will visit the National Archives Museum and view their Public Vaults exhibit, special exhibit on Prohibition as well as the Charters of Freedom in the Rotunda and the Magna Carta.

12:00 PM – 2:30 PM   We will travel to Union Station for lunch on your own at the variety of eateries and restaurants there and shopping at the Mall in Union Station.

2:30 PM    Return to DoubleTree Hotel to rest and prepare for our annual commemorative Banquet.

5:00 PM   Hospitality Room Closed till after Banquet.


6:00 PM                      Social Hour/Cash Bar. Seated for Dinner at 6:45 PM.

7:00 PM                      Color Guard & Honors.

7:15 PM                      Dinner served: Apple Brandy Pork Tenderloin OR Chicken Piccata

Program: Greetings from Dignitaries, Person of the Year Award, Speaker.

10:00 PM                      Hospitality Room open 


8:45 AM – 12:30PM      Bus loads 8:45 AM leaves Hotel promptly at 9:00 AM for Wreath layings at World War II Memorial, large VBOB Memorial, and Tomb of the Unknowns and changing of the Guard.

12:30 PM     Return to DoubleTree Hotel for annual VBOB Luncheon in Windows Over Washington.

1:00 PM   Lunch 14th Floor of hot soup, Grilled Chicken or Smoked Turkey sandwich, beverage and dessert.

Swearing-in of new National VBOB officers for 2016.

4:00 PM – 7:30 PM     Bus leaves at 4:00 PM for Belgium Ambassador Residence, Washington DC, Reception from 5:00 – 6:30

Notes: ¤ Free Airport shuttle provided by the DoubleTree Hotel every half hour, 3 miles from Reagan Washington National Airport.

¤ Free Shuttle from DoubleTree every hour on the half hour to METRO: Pentagon City (Blue/Yellow Line) and to Pentagon City Mall.

¤ Skydome Lounge for dinner, the area’s only revolving rooftop lounge, for a spectacular view of Washington at night.

¤ Early departure: If your reservation plans change, please advise hotel at or before check-in of any change in your reserved planned length

   of stay to avoid an early departure fee (currently $75.00) for checking out before your agreed upon reserved length. Any special

   circumstances of Early Departure Waivers will be on a case by case basis and depending on the severity of the situation.            09/23/15


Seq # ______                                                                             Chk # __________ Date __________ Amt _________




December 14, 15, and 16, 2015 Metropolitan Washington, DC

Return form and check by December 6, 2015 to:                                                                   Questions:

Battle of the Bulge Historical Foundation, Inc.                                                    John D. Bowen, 301-384-6533

PO Box 4546                                                                                                     E-Mail:

Silver Spring MD 20914-4546

Name: ______________________________________________ Telephone _________________Cell _____________________


Name of Spouse/Guests: ___________________;____________________;______________________;____________________  


Address: ______________________________________ City: __________________________ State: ________ ZIP: __________


Battle of Bulge Unit You Served With: __________________________________________________________________________


E-Mail Address: ________________________________________________________ Do you have a WWII Pictures to send us?

                                                                                                                                                                                                      If you haven’t before?

RESERVATIONS:                                                                           Number Attending  Cost/Person            Total

Registration Fee: Provides for Badges, Programs, Hospitality, Toasts, etc ______________X    $30.00           $____________



4:00 PM          Tree Trimming Ceremony Harrison Room                     _____________X               FREE          

5:45 PM          Bus to Luxembourg Embassy Reception                         ____________X             $25.00            $____________


Chartered Bus: To National Archives & Union Station                         ______________X               $30.00           $____________

9:30 AM          Bus Leaves for National Archives

Commemorative Banquet, DoubleTree Hotel Crystal City                       ______________X               $59.00           $____________

6:00 PM – 10:00 PM   Please make your Main Course selection(s):

  • Apple Brandy Pork Tenderloin _______________ (Names)_____________)
  • Chicken Piccata _______________ (Names)_____________)
  • Diabetic Meal _______________ (Names)_____________)

Seating is assigned. Plan ahead with your friends to be seated at the same table. Tables are Rounds of 8. Please indicate

friends with whom you would like to sit: _____________________________________________________________                                             


Chartered Bus:  Wreath Layings VBOB Memorials, Tomb of              ______________X      $25.00           $____________

Depart 9:00 AM             Unknowns & WWII Memorial


09:00 – 12:00 AM Wreath Laying Ceremonies: Number Attending: ____________


1:00 PM           VBOB Luncheon at DoubleTree Hotel                 Chicken ________X           $30.00           $____________

                                                                                                Turkey   ________X          $30.00           $________ ___

4:00 PM            Bus to Belgium Ambassador Residence Reception             ________________X          $25.00            $____________

                        (Note change in Time from Last Bugle – Reception will be from 5:00 to 6:30 PM

GRAND TOTAL (Enclose check made out to BoBHF 2015 Commemoration):                                                            $____________

NOTE: Checks will not be deposited until 1 Dec 2015 so you can register now.

Permission granted for Hotel to notify BoB Historical Foundation that room reservation has been made.


                                                                                          Signature: ______________________________________________________


NOTES & REMINDERS: Banquet Dress: Business suit/black tie optional (miniature medals encouraged) or military dress uniform

Room reservations must be made for the DoubleTree Crystal City directly, by December 6, 2015 Telephone (1-800-Hiltons) or .

Return completed Reservation Form for events to BOB Historical Foundation ASAP but no later than 6 December 2015.

No cancellation refunds after December 6, 2015.                                             Hotel Reservations based on Availability. Please do not delay.

Please indicate in all places the number & names attending so that we can be advised of the proper number to plan. Thanks!

***PLEASE BRING A PICTURE ID (Drivers License, Passport, Mil ID) for the Washington area***                                                                   09/23/15

WWII Battle of the Bulge Commemoration Event at Fort Indiantown Gap

71st Anniversary Commemoration Battle
27 Jan – 31 Jan 2016

The World War II Historical Association, invites all Veterans to the Battle of the Bulge Reenactment this coming January. We will be honoring all WW II Veterans during the week. Veterans may arrive after 1500 hours on Wednesday, 27 Jan 2016. As usual, the Veterans will have a hospitality suite set up in their barracks as well as memorabilia & WWII videos. Veterans should bring a pillow, sheets and a blanket (or a sleeping bag) for their bunk as well as wash cloth and towel and shower clogs. The cost of the event is Free to Veterans, which includes 4 nights bunk in the barracks, the Friday Reception and the Dinner and a Period Entertainment USO-type show on Saturday night.

Enjoy a week of camaraderie, relaxation, WWII videos, stories and hospitality and a chance to relive your basic training days in newly updated original WWII Barracks. Enjoy the transformation of the barracks area by the re-enactors to WWII period and enjoy the many restored WWII vehicles. Observe re-enactor’s formations in period uniforms and equipment. Meet re-enactors who are interested in learning from WWII veterans about the period as well as the respect that they hold for you. The reenactors cover a broad spectrum of our society and even includes British, French, Canadian and German citizens. The reenactor community includes business leaders, professionals (such as doctors and engineers); current, former and retired military.

Thurs, 28 Jan, we will be transported by bus to Williams Valley Jr. High School at 0800 hours for a Vet Program,.. Breakfast will be provided on the bus,. The Flea Market will open at 0800 hours and will remain open to 2200 hours.

Fri, 29 Jan, the WWII Historical Assn will salute the Veterans with a Pass in Review at 1500 hours. At 1630 hours there will be a Wreath Laying at the VBOB Monument by the Community Club followed by a free reception there also for WWII Veterans at 1700 hours.

Sat, 30 Jan at 1030 hours buses will load for a Veteran Tour of the Battlefield, departing at 1100 and returning by 1200 hours. At 1700 buses will begin shuttling from the barracks area to the Community Club, for the Dinner which starts at 1800 hours. At 2000 hours period entertainment & talent shows will begin and followed by dancing to the 40’s big band music. Buses will return from the Community Club until 0100 hours 31 Jan.

Vets must register by the deadline which is extended to 20 Dec 2015

Contact John D. Bowen for Registration forms at 301-384-6533, e-mail or go to for on-line registration or optional mail in registration forms.



West Michigan chapter (23)

Richard Rizzio, President of the West Michigan Chapter, invited Sherry Klopp
to Traverse City, Michigan to visit Grand Traverse Area Veterans Memorial Park to
see the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge Monument. The news media and public
were invited to attend. The event began July 22nd at 10: 00 a.m. at Veteran’s Park.

Several members of the monument committee, Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge,
family members, and others were present. It took them seven years to acquire land from the city for their monument and monuments of other wars.

Sherry Klopp, National VP of VBOB, spoke to the group beginning with greetings from the National Board of VBOB. She praised them for their dedication, thanked them for their service and talked about her father, Richard Switzer, a veteran of the Battle of the Bulge, who passed away March 8, 2013. The group went to the VFW for lunch after the program.

Left to Right George Phillips, John Good, Roland Sayer, Maurice Cole, Richard Rizzio, President of West Michigan Chapter and event organizer, Lewis Charles
Left to Right
George Phillips, John Good, Roland Sayer, Maurice Cole, Richard Rizzio, President of West Michigan Chapter
and event organizer, Lewis Charles




photos submitted by Sherry Klopp, Associate

Belgian, Bruno Pollet adopts grave in Henri-Chapelle

Bruno Pollet
Bruno Pollet

I introduce myself, my name is Bruno Pollet I live in Belgium.

In 2009 I adopted the grave of FRANCIS LEE ALLEN (14,005,185) to the cemetery Henri-Chapelle Belgium.

What month later, Jai had contact with Madame Andrée Dessy REMOUCHAMPS (friend of Mr Christian De Marcken).

After years of research without result unfortunately I shall desire to know if there is still life in the family of Francis Allen, knowing he had two brothers and a sister (I have pictures in my possession that Madame my Dessy offered).


VBOB Reunion Photos from Williamsburg, VA

Spirit of 45 Ceremony at Williamsburg Memorial Park

VBOB was escorted by the Virginia Chapter of the Patriot Guard Riders.

Boy Scout Troop 155 and VFW Post 4639 were present and took part in the ceremonies.


Fort Lee Welcomes VBOB

VBOB was escorted by the American Legion Riders, South Virginia Chapter, and sponsored by American Legion Post 284, Colonial Heights, VA.

all photos by Patrick Brion, Associate

Patrick Russell, Associate will interview Veterans

I just joined VBOB as an Associate Member as I conduct oral history interview of Veterans.  In fact, your inclusion of my information in the May 15 Bugle resulted in several telephone calls from Veterans to conduct interviews.

This is a non-profit enterprise and passion for me as I share and preserve the video oral history interviews with the US Library of Congress, National World War II Museum and the University of Florida Samuel Proctor History Project.  I have been to Normandy three times and to Bastogne once and most of the other places in between.

I would like to work directly with VBOB and its local Chapters to interview as many Veterans as humanly possible?  These interviews could be added to your membership video archive as well.

Attached is the project brochure that I hand to Veterans that I meet.

Patrick Russell
Oral Historian
Making History Project
2 S. Biscayne Blvd., Suite 3760
Miami, FL 33131
Tel. (305) 608-2977
Fax (305) 842-3610


The Netherlands to Give a Face to 10,000 Killed U.S. WWII Soldiers

Thousands of white marble crosses and Stars of David, row after row. This is what one sees when overlooking the American War Cemetery in the town of Margraten, the Netherlands. The markers are testimony to the sacrifices made by many young American men and women for the freedom of Europe during World War II.. Through The Faces of Margraten project in May 2015 the Dutch will pay special tribute to these soldiers by decorating their more than 10,000 graves and names on the Walls of the Missing with personal photos of the soldiers. The project has started a quest to locate more soldiers’ photos. READ MORE

Remembrance Day, May 22, 2015

Honoring Sacrifice of our Nation’s Veterans

In conjunction with Memorial Day, the students and staff of Old Turnpike School in Tewksbury,  NJ have planned a day-long celebration to honor the men and women of the Armed Services.  The event will begin at 8am with an opening ceremony and conclude at 2:30pm with a closing ceremony. Throughout the day, students and staff will hear first-hand accounts of your experiences.

Plans are moving forward as the celebration date, May 22, 2015, quickly approaches.  In order to bring awareness to the sacrifices our service men and women make, Remembrance Day was created to bridge the gap of understanding while connecting in a patriotic manner.  While an eighth grade teacher, I created Remembrance Day and ran the program on three occasions: 1999, 2002, 2005.  At the height of the event, 75 Veterans attended with a myriad of activity during the day.  With that said, my students have expanded the program to include Operation Shoebox, The Wounded Warriors Project, and “Thank You For Your Service Campaign” where students hand a Veteran a band that they wear on their wrist.  The following narrative will lay out the program/event in order to bring clarity to the immense scope of the day; it will be broken down into three parts:

Opening Ceremonies: We will kick off the event in the Gym.  All attendees will have a seat of honor amidst the band, chorus, Remembrance Wall, and the student body (approx. 400). The band has been working hard too on a few selections, and the chorus has equally prepared a variety of patriot songs.  Also, students have prepared short speeches on the meaning of Memorial Day, Operation Shoebox, and Wounded Warriors Project to name a few.  Additionally, each grade, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth, will prepare a Remembrance Wall which will include patriotic symbols while incorporating a letter of thanks from every student in the school.  In the past, a color guard has attended; however, at this point, one has not been secured.

Classroom Visitation:  This is the most important part of the program.  In small groups (15), the students will have an opportunity to move from classroom to classroom to visit with a variety of Veterans.  There will be approximately six sessions, each session will last 30 minutes.  Note: If there are a large number of Veterans, the number of classes you present to will lessen.  Within these sessions, the Veterans can share their experiences.  In the past, groups of Veterans have presented together while others have done individual presentations.  Each Veteran will have a student chaperone to attend to their needs throughout the day, for example, introduce you to the students, be a guide, provide water and food to name a few. During the Classroom Visitation periods, the MTA (Military Transport Association) will have vehicles on site for the students to view.  At this point, I have confirmation of one vehicle with the hopes more will RSVP as we get closer to the event.  In addition, during past three programs, a helicopter from Picatinny Arsenal has landed on site.  My hope is we will be able to secure the helicopter again this year; however, it has been difficult.

Closing Ceremonies:  The program will conclude around the flagpole in front of the school.  The Veterans will, again, have a seat of honor.  After a few short speeches, the boy scouts will lower the Flag and fold it properly.  Then, they will hand it to the Veteran who will lay it to rest in a cauldron of fire with a Nine Gun Salute.  Taps will then be played.  If a helicopter is secured for the event, there will be a “fly over”.

My students have create various social media sites.  They are as follows:
Instagram:  @otsremembranceday
Snapchat:  @remembranceday1
Twitter:  @otsPBL2015
Pinterest:  @oremembranceday


If you are interested in attending, please contact Scott Sipos
telephone 908-872-1720
or via email:


Bulge units that liberated Nazi camps



1st Infantry Division
Liberated Falkenau an der Eger (Flossenbürg subcamp)

2nd Infantry Division
Liberated Leipzig-Schönefeld (Buchenwald subcamp)
Spergau (labor education camp)

4th Infantry Division
Liberated Dachau subcamp

26th Infantry Division
Liberated Gusen (Mauthausen subcamp)

30th Infantry Division
Liberated Weferlingen (Buchenwald subcamp)

80th Infantry Division
Liberated Buchenwald
Ebensee (Mauthausen subcamp)

83rd Infantry Division
Liberated Langenstein (Buchenwald subcamp)

84th Infantry Division
Liberated Ahlem (Neuengamme subcamp)
Salzwedel (Neuengamme subcamp)

90th Infantry Division
Liberated Flossenbürg

99th Infantry Division
Liberated Dachau subcamps


3rd Armored Division
Liberated Dora-Mittelbau

4th Armored Division
Liberated Ohrdruf (Buchenwald subcamp)

6th Armored Division
Liberated Buchenwald

8th Armored Division
Liberated Halberstadt-Zwieberge (Buchenwald subcamp)

9th Armored Division
Liberated Falkenau an der Eger (Flossenbürg subcamp)

10th Armored Division
Dachau subcamp

11th Armored Division
Liberated Gusen (Mauthausen subcamp)


82nd Airborne Division
Liberated Wöbbelin (Neuengamme subcamp)

101st Airborne Division
Liberated Dachau subcamp


Holocaust Remembrance Day, April 16, 2015



1st Infantry Division
Liberated Falkenau an der Eger (Flossenbürg subcamp)

2nd Infantry Division
Liberated Leipzig-Schönefeld (Buchenwald subcamp)
Spergau (labor education camp)

4th Infantry Division
Liberated Dachau subcamp

8th Infantry Division
Liberated Wöbbelin (Neuengamme subcamp)

26th Infantry Division
Liberated Gusen (Mauthausen subcamp)

29th Infantry Division
Liberated Dinslaken (civilian labor camp)

30th Infantry Division
Liberated Weferlingen (Buchenwald subcamp)

36th Infantry Division
Liberated Kaufering camps (Dachau subcamps)

42nd Infantry Division
Liberated Dachau

45th Infantry Division
Liberated Dachau

63rd Infantry Division
Liberated Kaufering camps (Dachau subcamps)

65th Infantry Division
Liberated Flossenbürg subcamp

69th Infantry Division
Liberated Leipzig-Thekla (Buchenwald subcamp)

71st Infantry Division
Liberated Gunskirchen (Mauthausen subcamp)

80th Infantry Division
Liberated Buchenwald
Ebensee (Mauthausen subcamp)

83rd Infantry Division
Liberated Langenstein (Buchenwald subcamp)

84th Infantry Division
Liberated Ahlem (Neuengamme subcamp)
Salzwedel (Neuengamme subcamp)

86th Infantry Division
Liberated Attendorn (civilian labor camp)

89th Infantry Division
Liberated Ohrdruf (Buchenwald subcamp)

90th Infantry Division
Liberated Flossenbürg

95th Infantry Division
Liberated Werl (prison and civilian labor camp)

99th Infantry Division
Liberated Dachau subcamps

103rd Infantry Division
Kaufering subcamp

104th Infantry Division
Liberated Dora-Mittelbau


3rd Armored Division
Liberated Dora-Mittelbau

4th Armored Division
Liberated Ohrdruf (Buchenwald subcamp)

6th Armored Division
Liberated Buchenwald

8th Armored Division
Liberated Halberstadt-Zwieberge (Buchenwald subcamp)

9th Armored Division
Liberated Falkenau an der Eger (Flossenbürg subcamp)

10th Armored Division
Dachau subcamp

11th Armored Division
Liberated Gusen (Mauthausen subcamp)

12th Armored Division
Liberated Dachau subcamp

14th Armored Division
Liberated Dachau subcamps

20th Armored Division
Liberated Dachau


82nd Airborne Division
Liberated Wöbbelin (Neuengamme subcamp)

101st Airborne Division
Liberated Dachau subcamp

submitted by Gene Sweeney, Liberator Foundation