The Spring luncheon meeting of the Battle of the Bulge Chapter #62 had 7 stars in attendance. The guest speaker was Joseph DeSalvo, Lt General and Military Commander of the United States Southern Command (3 stars), Pete Osmond, Lt General (3 stars) and our Commander Al Irzyk (Brig General (l star). The local press published a picture with a big headline “7 STARS AND ONE STRIPE.”

As a PFC, I never had the opportunity to speak with, or take a picture with, a general!

The event was well-publicized, and we had 98 veterans and family enjoy the camaraderie and program. As always, we introduced returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan as our guests. They received a standing ovation. Commander Al Irzyk celebrated his 99th birthday and was presented with a cake. All sang the traditional Happy Birthday song. It was a most enjoyable afternoon.

VBOB National has 35+ active chapters and ours is the largest, with the most veteran members, 195 total.

—Submitted by George Fisher, Chapter 62 President