2012: A Year in Review

National Infantry Museum, Columbus, GA

VBOB partnered with the National Infantry Foundation

VBOB made an agreement with a publisher to produce a book, “The Battle of the Bulge—True Stories from the Men and Women Who Survived,” compiled from The Bulge Bugle

VBOB’s website expanded to include:
650 veterans’ photos
185 stories & news items
50 books listed
All Bulge Bugles

New Members:
Our successful Associate membership drives helped us gain many new members in 2012:
Regular Members: 52
Associate Members: 320

Current membership totals:
Regular Members: 2730
Associate Members: 1480

French Quarter buggy ride at our New Orleans reunion

Chapters status:
Current: 51
Disbanded: 2

179 members, friends and family attended the VBOB 31st Annual Reunion in New Orleans, LA

Donations received:  $7,810.00

Governmental activities:
• IRS 990 form filed
• VA annual corporation continuation report filed

Congratulations to all who were awarded the French Legion of Honor

May our deceased rest in eternal peace!

Thanks to all …. We couldn’t do it without your contributions

Here’s wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2013

VBOB 2013 Reunion

VBOB is going to Kansas City, MO for our 32nd Annual Reunion
September 3 – 8, 2013


Embassy Suites KCI:

Embassy Suites Kansas City International Airport

Room/suite rate $126/night includes:
• All taxes
• Daily full breakfast buffet
• Daily two-hour Manager’s Reception
• Complimentary airport shuttle
• Free parking

Sites/attractions being considered:


An exhibit at the National WWI Museum, Kansas City, MO

Kansas City, MO:
National WWI Museum
Union Station
Sprint Center

Fort Leavenworth, KS

Independence, MO:
Harry S. Truman Library & Museum
Truman Home
National Frontier Trails Museum

Harry S. Truman Museum & Library, Independence, MO

Ladies: shop ’til you drop at Zona Rosa, a shuttle ride from our hotel

Complete details will be in the May issue of The Bulge Bugle, and posted here in early May. Get your credit card ready!

WWII – Warren Jensen, 793rd FA

Warren M. Jensen, XIX Corps Artillery, 793rd Field Artillery Bn, A Battery

I was born and raised in San Francisco and enlisted in the Army’s Field Artillery at age 18 in 1942. Unlike many others who forged parental signatures until turning 21, the legal age, I finally got my folks to sign when I turned 18 in Oct. 1942 and enlisted Oct. 27, 1942. I trained at Fort Bragg, N. Carolina and embarked for England in December 1943.

We had no sense of time or calendar and knew the invasion was on due to the tremendous amount (10,000) aircraft overhead.  We moved, we moved, closer and closer to South Hampton until boarding the LCT and embarked for France from South Hampton in flat-bottomed LCTs (landing craft tank).  Much seasickness ensued that day. 

By D+1 and D+2 the invasion fighting had moved off the beach and up into the hedgerow country.  Can’t tell you exactly when we landed at Omaha “Easy Red” beach.  I do know XIX Advance Corps Party landed like D+6 to set up the HQ people but we had nothing to do with them.  We were Corps Artillery so I would guess we landed about D+10.  We supported the 29th Infantry and 30th Infantry and 2nd Armored Divisions throughout the war.

If you Google up LCT (landing craft tank) you’ll see the flat-bottomed craft we came over in with two of our howitzers, the M-4 Tractors that pulled them and a jeep and 3/4 ton truck.  When the LCT came to a halt we went off into four feet of water.  The Jeep was covered over with water. All of our equipment had been waterproofed by us with snorkels for air intake.  The Krauts were sending over occasional artillery shells.  (Google up M-4 Tractor to see what we rode in)

When LCT beached we never left our howitzer and we proceeded up an exit way to the top of the beach, went inland a ways and fired the first mission on the roads leading to St. Lo that the Krauts were using.

We were involved in the battles at Mortain & Falaise Gap. I was a gunner and machine gunner on an 8-inch howitzer gun section, recognized as the most accurate artillery piece in the US arsenal.  Our unusual howitzer accuracy allowed us to knock out enemy tanks and positions especially in the fighting in the hedgerows of Normandy.  We were set up in an orchard so when we fired the green apples rained down. Click on the following link to see a video about the 8 inch M115 towed howitzer.

We moved to new positions constantly.  Stay maybe overnight on missions or sometimes go into position ready to fire and the front had moved forward so, without firing a shot, we’d pack up and move to a new position. We never went thru the night with uninterrupted sleep—we either pulled our turn manning the phone to the Fire Direction Center or turning out for Fire Missions.  That gets tiring after a while, month after month with no rest.

We passed to the north of Paris and entered Belgium Sept. 3, proceeded into the Netherlands and began firing on Aachen, Germany, from Herleen, NL.   We were next involved in the bloody Hurtgen Forest battle where thousands of our lads were unnecessary casualties.  This was late November/early December. 

The Ardennes Offensive began on December 16,1944.  The weather was bitter cold, foggy and dreary.  All was quiet until Dec. 16 when the Krauts attacked.  There was chaos that slowly resolved itself into grim determination, desperation and numbness…you got it. 

“The Bulge” refers to the progress of the German offensive and to how far they pushed our lines back.  Winston Churchill is quoted as saying, “This is undoubtedly the greatest American battle of the war and will, I believe, be regarded as an ever famous American victory.” Two million men were involved in this the largest land battle the US Army has ever fought.

We were brought down to the St.Vith area.  Our missions depended on the targets spotted.  We wouldn’t fire non-stop unless necessary.  We were limited to the ammunition available to us.  Sometimes we’d get a FIRE MISSION at various times day or night. At chow time half of the gun crew would go to the rear to get fed so the rest of us had to carry out the mission.  Then, sometimes, by the time we had a chance to be fed, all the food was gone so our dinner was sometimes just a piece of bread and coffee. Or we ate combat rations.

As far as getting any hot food from December 1944 to February 1945 our cooks were able, once in a while, to bring hot food up in insulated Mermite cans.  The US Army has a tradition of always trying to get a turkey dinner to the troops on Thanksgiving and Xmas with all the trimmings.  Kinda hard to serve it up properly in that cold weather with everything served onto one’s cold mess kit all together with dessert slopped on top.  That was special.

Night time could be beautiful.  The searchlights would go on to create artificial moonlight for our Infantry lads.  There would be flares fired and the magnesium flares would light up an area as they came down on  little parachutes..  Machine gun tracers from our anti-aircraft guns would make pretty patterns in the sky because every 5th round had the rear hollowed out and packed with a chemical that glowed when fired.  All this was to help the gunner zero in on his target. 

And the sounds that filled the night:  Of weapons firing by the Infantry machine guns, mortars going off and other artillery pieces firing.  And then the krauts would send over “Checkpoint Charlie” at night.  He’d come over, drop a few flares and take, we think, photos, drop a bomb or two, and with his distinctive engine sound disappear back to his own lines.  Sounded like the engine needed a tune-up.  

One memory I’ve had of this Xmas time was firing a mission and the FDC guys (Fire Direction Center) said, “You guys know that tonight’s Xmas Eve?”  That’s how we found out during the winter of ’44. 

Since our gun positions were generally in the open or at the edge of trees we were pretty well exposed to the chilling wind.  Frostbite casualties were common due to a lack of proper clothing and boots.  I wouldn’t know how cold it got without having a thermometer but it was the coldest winter in Europe in 40 years.  Reords show that temperatures plummeted from 40 degree days down to minus 10 to minus 20 F at nite.  Brrrr.   Bradley and even Ike felt the war would be over by Dec. 1944 so they had the manufacturing and shipment of winter clothing stopped.  Some supplies were in warehouses in France but the rear echelon guys got into those.  All we had were leather boots and were supposed to massage each others feet to prevent frostbite.  The medical Dx was “frozen feet” but in WWI it was called “trench foot”. 

Not much more than commiseration with my buddies held me together mentally during times of hardship as we were all in it together. Our bedding was just a wool Army blanket each.  Yes, just one blanket.  In December they issued us a mummy style sleeping bag which was a blanket with an outer shell and a zipper.  Eventually they got wool gloves, a wool scarf, a sweater and galoshes or overshoes to us at the front.  It was joked that it was so cold that it would freeze the balls off a brass monkey.  Don’t know where that expression came from but it always got a laugh. 

After we would get our howitzer into firing position, next we would did a hole for the projectiles and powder charges,  then  dig our personal fox holes, then dig a small slit trench, the width of a shovel blade, and thus we could squat and straddle the trench, cover it with some dirt we had dug.  TP was slid onto the handle of the shovel which was jammed into the dirt we had dug out.  It was quite an experience to squat in icy cold weather and expose your butt to the cold.

The Belgians generally cleared out as they were fearful of the reprisals from the Germans.  Those few who stayed opened their homes to the troops. If we stayed for a few days it would give us a chance to contact a farmer in France, N. Belgium, or Holland for cider, wine, or females.  We tried to lure them to our area with promises of food, cigarettes.  Not much success.  We could not talk with any German for fear of a fine of $65 (a months’ pay for privates).

On December 23 the skies finally cleared and all we heard were aircraft engines and saw contrails and there was cheering at the event.  Our guys parachuted in ammo, food and medicine to the encircled troops at Bastogne but unfortunately, the Krauts got some of the chutes.  After the war a German soldier reported that that he found a canned Hormel ham hanging from a parachute and had dined with a Belgium family that Christmas.  We pushed the Germans back into Germany and the Ardennes Offensive ended the beginning of February 1945.

When December weather comes in with its cold and fog, even after 68 years, my thoughts drift to the Bulge experience and I shiver as I remember those Bulge weather days of suffering. We moved eastward quickly and eventually found ourselves below Magdeburg, Germany in support of the 2nd Armored Division and the 83rd ID which both had bridges across and troops on the east side of the Elbe river until we were ordered to hold our positions.   This is now April 1945.

We went “scrounging” in Germany but couldn’t go far.  Some guys found weapons or other souvenirs.  If we found food we feared it might be poisoned.  Krauts knew we scrounged for wine and schnapps and would urinate into those bottles.  Once in a small town in Germany I went scrounging for a door to put over my foxhole to prevent shrapnel from coming in.  The house was untouched with even a beautiful crucifix on the wall and I spotted this grand piano.  I was angry at the Germans so, in a fit of adolescent stupidity, I destroyed a good part of the piano with my carbine so the residents would have something to suffer with.

We prepared to move for occupation duties in Giessen, Germany.  We liberated several German concentration camps and witnessed the results of the atrocities. Unfortunately we gave the starving inmates our high caloric rations which caused them distress and even death.  This liberating of POW and concentration camps came in our drive to the Elbe River. VE Day came May 8 and the Russians on the east bank of the Elbe River were celebrating. We could hear them yelling and firing into the air with their weapons.  Flares were going off and an accordion was playing.  I decided to take a lone journey across the pontoon bridge one day and got a ride in a jeep.   On the east bank of the Elbe I saw a column of rough looking Mongolian troops, female traffic cops, and their kitchens pulled by horses.  I thought, “I sure hope we never have to fight them.”  Ourselves, on the west bank of the Elbe River did no celebrating as we were due to ship out to battle in the Pacific.

In Giessen we guarded first the Polish and then the Russian DPs (Displaced Persons) or manned the checkpoints on the Autobahn.  One time we took a trainload of Russian DPs packed into box cars into the Russian Zone. The four of us had a boxcar to ourselves which was loaded up with Ten-in-One rations.  Our journey was overnight to the edge of Czechoslovakia.  We’d distribute the ration boxes to each car at mealtime stops. 

Our unit was broken up based on an individual’s point system and we were sent to one of the “cigarette camps” near La Havre for weeks of idleness while we waited for transportation home by ship. Finally I arrived home and was discharged December 13, 1945.  Upon discharge I enlisted in the Army Reserve and the University of California at Berkeley and eventually received a BS degree in Business.   My commission in the Army Reserve was from the battlefield according to the War Department Circular 32 for those who had been involved in combat.  This authorized the commissioning of enlisted individuals who had high AGCT (Army General Classification Test) scores and combat experience.  I had the 2nd highest score in the entire battalion.  I was offered officer candidate school and ASTP (where enlisted were sent to a college in the US and lived there).  I advanced through the ranks to become a Captain in 1950 with a total active and reserve time of 23 years. 

I slowly healed from “battle fatigue” after the war (now it’s termed Post Traumatic Stress Disability) by repressing the memories of my WWII experience.  I was wounded twice and the VA has declared me 100% disabled due to PTSD and wartime injuries which plague me still.  I was awarded the Purple Heart medal and the European Theater of Operations medal with battle stars for Normandy, Northern France, the Ardennes, Rhineland, and Central Europe campaigns.

After seven years I entered San Francisco State University where I studied for and received two MAs in Psychology and Business, with postgraduate work at Stanford University. I taught for a number of years before being assigned as a Guidance Counselor at Woodside High School on the San Francisco Peninsula, and retired in 1964.

 I belong to:
Military Officers Association
Military Order of the Purple Heart
Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge, Golden Gate Chapter, N. Calif. Bay Area
Third Thursday Veterans Lunch Bunch, Concord, Calif.
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)

The Bulge-Philip Walsh, 2nd Armored Division

Remembering World War II and the Battle of the Bulge
by Philip Walsh, 2nd AD, 66th AR, Co C

I was 18 years old when I got my draft notice from President Franklin Roosevelt.  It was 1943. The notice read “greetings from President Roosevelt” and went on to say I was drafted to the US Army. I had never been away from home before and I wondered if I would return home to Maine.

I was sent to Fort Devon’s, Massachusetts, for a few weeks where I received my army uniform and medical shots.  I recall walking down a narrow hallway and got shots in both of my arms. The fellow in front of me passed out after receiving his. I can still hear the guys who had already got their shots saying “you will be sorry.” They were right. They also warned me to watch out for the square needle that’s left in overnight.  I found out to my relief they were just kidding because I was a new recruit.

From there I was sent to Fort Knox, Kentucky, for 21 weeks of tank training. I remember being homesick, went to see the doctor, a major, who gave me some pink pills and said I would be fine.  I wasn’t.  I was still homesick. When our training ended we were sent to Fort George Meade, Maryland, for advanced training. Then I was sent to Camp Shanks, New York, to board the Aquitania for Europe.

I recall when we landed in Greenock, Scotland some Scottish girls greeted us and gave us muffins filled with meat. I took one bite and threw it out.  It tasted awful to me. We left Scotland by train to England.  By the time I arrived in England I was no longer homesick. It was more than 6 months since I left Maine. The war was underway, and by this time I figured I’d never get home alive.

When I was sent to France I was assigned to Company C 66 Armored Regimen, 2nd Armored Division. Afterward I was deployed to Omaha Beach in June – six days after D-Day.  When I landed I asked the Beach Master if many men were killed. He said if anymore were killed no one would have gotten ashore. I remember one solider, in particular who landed on the beach with me. He was from the southern part of the States and was assigned to another tank because tank commander, Lt. Johnson, also from the south, picked him for his crew because of the connection to the south.

This was the first day in battle for us. Lt. Johnson’s tank was heading down a road between a row of hedges rows and ran over a mine.  The explosion blew a track off the tank. The crew climbed out of the tank, started to crawl on the ground and a mortar shell landed on the back of the soldier from the south. All that was left of him was a piece of his fly and belt buckle. It was terrifying.  Later I was told that Lt. Johnson was planning to get married in Paris after the war and arranged to have his bride’s wedding dress made from a parachute.  Unfortunately he was killed outside of Berlin at close range by one of Hitler’s Youth with a Panzer Faust bazooka after he stepped outside of his tank. 

We were never told where we would be deployed or given any details.  That was one thing I didn’t like about the Army.  After Omaha Beach we were sent to another location in France. We were on the front line for 21 days with the Germans firing at us from a train with artillery guns. I remember it sounded like a freight train coming at us. Three crew members and I barely left tank for the entire 21 days. It was too dangerous to stay outside for any length of time due to the constant shelling from the Germans.  We had to be extremely careful.

The ground around the tank was all torn up from shelling and the mud was a foot thick. Every time someone left the tank they would get about two inches of mud on their boots. I remember getting mud dropped on my shoulders whenever the tank commander, a schoolteacher, climbed back into the tank after checking our surroundings. I was seated at the machine gunner’s seat and there wasn’t any room to move.  It was very tight quarters inside the tank.  I also recall when the lieutenant was injured after a shell struck the side of the tank when he was underneath trying to cook a meal with a Coleman Burner.  He was taken to the aid station.

We had an opportunity to take prisoners. Seven Germans waving a white flag tried to surrender to us. One of our crew members fired at them and they took off.

After 21 days in France we were on the move again, this time to Germany. We arrived to a location that looked like a park and were able to sleep outside on the ground. One morning when I awoke, I noticed the tank was leaking. I looked inside and saw about three inches of gasoline on the bottom of the tank.  A new replacement had changed the fuel filters incorrectly on both Cadillac engines.  

Our next deployment was to Bastogne for combat at the Battle of the Bulge where I remained for the duration of the conflict. It was winter, freezing cold, and I drove an open top half track 100 miles in the pouring rain to Bastogne. Somewhere along the way I drove off the road.  I was very tired, soaking wet and it was difficult to see because there were no headlights. I accidentally backed into Captain A.Z. Owen’s tank. He hollered “get that man’s name.”  I was afraid he would send me to jail.  He didn’t do anything.

When we arrived at our destination near Bastogne we were exhausted and cold. We pitched our pup tents in the freezing temperatures and went to sleep shivering.  What amazes me now as I think back about sleeping in soaking wet, heavy Army clothes with my shoes frozen to the ground is that I never caught a cold.

Our tank was parked next to a farmhouse. The family living in the home felt sorry for us staying outside in the cold and they invited us in to dry our clothes and get warm. We stayed with them for several nights.  Unfortunately one of the soldiers flirted constantly with the homeowner’s wife. The husband got fed up and told us all to leave.

One time we liberated a couple of chickens and some vegetables from a Belgium farmhouse and I cooked it in a 5-gallon can. You cannot imagine how good this tasted on a cold day especially after living on K and K rations. It was the best chicken soup I had ever eaten. A captain from Georgia said to me, “Walsh where did you get the chickens from?” Another soldier spoke up and said he got a package from the states. This seemed to satisfy the captain who helped himself to the soup without asking any more questions.

Later during the battle I was asked to drive this same captain in a jeep to a command post set up in a house near Bastogne. When we arrived we saw the T/5 Sergeant who had flooded our tank with gas when he was assigned to our crew in France. He was on duty at the command post and did not salute the captain in my jeep. The captained yelled to the T/5 sergeant “Salute me.”  He obeyed.

When the Battle of the Bulge ended, I was deployed to Berlin. We were the first troops to arrive in Berlin after World War II ended.  I was transferred to the 12th Armored Division and sent to Marseilles, France where I prepared to go home.  It was 1946. I am proud to have served my country, but I wouldn’t want to go through this again.





The Bulge-Ray Wenning 30th Infantry Division

Ray Wenning, 30th ID, 117th IR, Co A

We were now fighting Hitler’s’ First SS Division. This was his best division which had direct orders from Adolph Hitler himself to kick our A’s out of there.  We actually beat them up pretty bad in Mortain, France. I heard that Axis Sally was on the radio and said this time they were to annihilate that 30th Division. After we got done with them in Stavelot , the Germans dismantled their division.  The Germans had about twenty-nine Divisions of their best troops that returned from the Russian front to throw in this battle, so there were many SS Troopers.

We came to the little city of STAVALOT, BELGIUM.  The Germans gave us a hell of a fight and ran us out a couple times, and finally we went back in and stood our ground. It was about Christmas time.  Fighting in the city was different. In the city we had buildings to go into get away from the cold and snow that was always there.   We didn’t have to dig foxholes in the city. The temperature was from plus twenty to minus five for the entire Bulge Battle.  I spent my twenty second birthday in this city, and it could have been on this day that a sniper almost got me.       

We left Stavelot around the first of Jan, 1945.  The other Companies caught up with us and then we were out in the field all the time, sometimes digging three fox holes a day. We did most of our moving at night so the enemy could not see us. It was so cold I would hock down in the fox hole on my heels, and shiver so hard that my teeth would rattle and my knee’s would get sore and hurt just from shaking.  There were at least three nights I thought I would just freeze to death and not wake up. When morning came the honeycomb frost would be about three inches thick at the top of the fox hole, pretty and crisp. All we wore was our wool uniforms, wool overcoat, and socks, knit woolen cap, helmet liner, steel helmet and wool gloves. I had no real boots, only combat boots that were twelve inches tall.    

One of the nights, we got into position and they talked about holding there for a day or so.  I got a very nice foxhole dug, put twigs in the bottom and laid some pine twigs over part of the top which got it pretty warm.  I was going to have a warm night at last. It was all ready, the best fox hole I ever dug. About ten in the evening the word came out, “We’re taking off.” I was so discouraged I didn’t care if someone would shoot me right then. This may have been a lucky break. We hadn’t gone seventy five feet and ran into an evergreen clumps; ever greens around a fox hole. I think six Germans were in there. They didn’t want to give up first and I thought we were going to have a little gun fire.  We were all ready to let them have it when they finally came out and gave up. If anyone would have let one shot go we would have had a slaughter.     The snow was so deep that we would trade off with the front guy to cut the track. We walked all night, and I  told the officer we most probably were going behind the German lines. About four in the morning we came on a hill that overlooked a small group of homes in the valley. The Germans were eating their breakfast.  I could hear their silverware rattle (that is close combat). We stopped to dig in. I told my foxhole buddy to start cutting twigs with his pocket knife for we needed a cover over.  When the Germans find out we were this close they would have all kinds of artillery coming in. With this being in a wooded area, those shells would hit the trees and explode and send shrapnel down on us. After getting those twigs across the foxhole we would throw ground on top to keep shrapnel from hitting us. This was OK.  I was on my knees, digging as fast as I could with my rifle standing against a tree about eight feet away. Someone down the way from me called out, “there are Germans behind you”. As we have done many times, we would kid someone even if we were to get killed the next minute. I never paid attention to this, though in the corner of my eye I thought I caught some thing. When I stopped to look around there stood three German SS soldiers with their burp guns and hands up.  They were close enough that I could have shaken hands with them. The first thing I thought, “My rifle!”   There it was eight feet from me against the tree. Right away they asked to give up, saying, “Comrade, comrade.” I’ve been lucky throughout the war. I have taken so many prisoners, I don’t know if I looked so forgiving. Later I found out that we dug our foxholes in the same area the Germans were dug in. After we found out about that we took a lot of prisoners.    

On another night we marched most of the night coming to our position and the ground was frozen.   This time I found a German foxhole. It was pitch dark and I got down on my knees to feel around in it to see if there was a German in there. It was empty, but he must not have had too much training on digging, for it was too wide and not deep enough. But I managed to squeeze under in it. This one had a cover with ground over it. This was my luck for the Germans shelled the area all night. I could hear and feel those shells go off all around this foxhole. I thought the only way they could get me was if one would land right in my hole. The next morning when it got light, of course the shelling stopped before daybreak; I got out of the fox hole.  I had a hard time getting out. The ground on top had settled down with weight and it was smashing me. I managed to get out. When I did, I found a lot of my buddies that didn’t get cover lying all around in pieces. One look and all I could do was to walk away. The officer was getting the guys ready to march out; there were only eleven GI’s. We were standing in a group waiting for two guys that were still coming. After five minutes I got the feeling that we should spread out, for we were a perfect target for the Germans.  So I walked out away from the group.  The officer ordered me to come back to the group and I told him it was a good target for the Krouts; but he insisted.  As I walked back a shot come in.  An 88mm artillery shell, it was a tree burst about fifty feet away, and again I took off.   I knew that the next one would be right on us.  I have seen this happen too often. The officer insisted that we group up. Well I did obey his orders and I just got back when this 88-mm shell came in and exploded, maybe eight feet from me. I was looking right at it; just a big three-foot orange ball of fire. Thank God I was ok, my buddies not so lucky.       

The days went on in those fox holes; we were gaining ground mostly in the night.  There was less opposition from the enemy since they could not see us come. There were a lot of surprises though. The weather was our worst enemy as we were always trying to keep from freezing. I think I was out there two weeks at a time without seeing the inside of a building. It’s amazing how much torture the body can take.         

Sometime during the first part of January 10th, 1945 near Five Points, they took part of the GI’s back off the lines to a town named SPA, Belgium. They took us to the bath house, “Spa.”  It was the first bath I had in a couple months. It was the first time I had my shoes off, or any clothes changed during that time. This was a copper bath tub and mineral water was used. Our clothes were so dirty they could stand up. We got all clean clothes.  This sure felt good, and the best part was that we could walk around without being shot at.  What a difference!                    

One afternoon we got ready to take a small town. This was something different. It was the first day attack we had for a long time. Being about a half mile from the town, the tanks started to come up from the forest behind the infantry. One of the tanks stopped about fifteen feet behind my foxhole. I told him to get back in the forest since the Krauts would start firing at him, but no they let it there. It wasn’t long and the shells started coming. Our foxhole wasn’t dug big enough since we were only going to be there a short time. My buddy was in the foxhole. When the shelling started, there wasn’t room for me to get in.  I dove in and layed across my buddy, figuring I would be killed anyway and maybe could save him. With hands over my head, I just said LORD here I come. I never ever heard so much shrapnel around my head. It was like having a hive of bees dumped on me, and to this day I don’t understand why this didn’t burst my eardrums. I think they shot about three shells at the tank. They did explode that tank and killed everyone in it. We were about fifteen feet from it.  Again I was thankful for all those prayers going on back home.    

On the front lines all your senses work better than ever. I knew the sound of each tank, plane, gun or anything. I knew whose artillery made each sound.  It was called survival.            

We got so far ahead of the rest of the units that we had to hold our position for several days sitting in those fox holes and freezing to death. It wasn’t so bad when we moved every day and dug a couple fox hole to keep us half warm. The Commander and Medic usually came around each day since so many men were getting frost bite. This time when they got to my position I felt like I was getting a cold, so I asked the medic for an aspirin or something before it would hit me.  He told me I should give my BAR to my buddy and go back to Company aid. I told him I didn’t feel that bad and I wasn’t going to walk a half-mile in the snow.   This situation went on and about an hour later the Medic and the Officer came back to me, and insisted I go back.  When they come back to me it rang a bell.  What do they know that I don’t?  I thought I’d better follow orders. I gave my BAR to my buddy and took his M1, and headed back to Company Aid.  I didn’t go far when I quickly learned what the problem was. I could hardly walk.  When the blood started to circulate in my feet, it felt awful.  I was in luck when a weasel came along bringing food to the lines. He gave me a lift to the Company Aid station, which was an old brick house that was partly shot away.  I got inside and there lay a few GI’s.  I’ve never seen people so tough and and brave as I have ever seen in combat. This was the 22nd of January 1945. I never knew this date until fifty years later and the people from the Anniversary Committee in Stavolot told me. I will always say that this saved my life. 

When the doc got to me, I said my feet were hurting, he told me to take off my shoes.  He took a pin and started to prod around and I couldn’t feel a thing. He told me to lie on a stretcher.  I told him I could walk to the ambulance. He gave me orders right there that I was not to walk on my feet. (The only way you get off the front lines is for them to carry you off). That afternoon they took me to a field hospital, which was a tent. I was laid on a cot with white sheets. There was heat in the tent and hot soup.  If heaven is better than this I got to see it. And if hell is as bad as the front lines, you better be good.  I’ve gone through all but four days of the Battle of the Bulge. My number would have come up if I hadn’t got off the front lines. We were in the Dillburg Forest, not far from RECHT, Bois-D’Emmels, near Rodt and overlooking St Vith, Belgium.                                                                                              

In those six weeks of the Battle of the Bulge, Americans had over ninety thousand casualties, more than 2000 per day. Some guys only lasted a day in combat. It was the largest battle ever fought in the world. From this field hospital on the 24th of January, I was taken to a hospital in Paris, France where I was for nearly ten days. I was then transported to an England hospital. I reentered the war as a 1st Sergeant at a POW camp.

C-47 Club remembers VBOB

Despite a foggy and rainy day, many members of the C-47 Club came to Trois-Ponts to honor the US soldiers who fought in this area during the Battle of the Bulge.

The events were organized by the CADUSA association.  After a mass at St Jacques church in Trois-Ponts, we all followed for the ceremonies in Rochelinval, honoring the 551st Parachute Infantry Battalion.  We then continued our remembrance tour to the village of Spineux, honoring the 424th Infantry Regiment/106th Infantry Division and the 112th Infantry Regiment/28th Infantry Division.

The day ended with one last ceremony at the Logbierme Monument, followed by a reception a great meal in the Wanne Castle. As all members were present, C-47 Club President Ed Lapotsky had planned a meeting and this proved very useful, as we are now moving ahead with some major activities in the Ardennes Region.  Present were all members of the Belgian C-47 Chapter and Francine Noyon as European coordinator.

visit our web site

Submitted by Patrick Brion

G144-45 remembers the 82nd Airborne

I am part of a UK based living history group called GI44-45. We join with other like-minded individuals in the UK and continent and at least four times in the winter months travel to Belgium where we walk in the footsteps of American units that served during the Battle of Bulge. Being in the same venue, at the same type of year, wearing the same uniforms, and its a real eye-opener. How those young GI’s survived all that was thrown at the them, and then some, earns my utmost respect.

Last year we recreated the 120 mile journey in trucks when the 82nd Airborne were sent up to plug the gap in the line. Out next event is on 23rd February when we head once again to Belgium and walk in the footsteps of the 82nd Airborne.

I thought your members might be interested that there are living historians who are involved in ensuring people are reminded about the sacrifices that young Americans made during the winter of 1944/45.
visit our web site

All the best,

Paul Costin

179th Field Artillery Battalion – James McCabe

James M. McCabe

The 179th FA Bn landed on Utah Beach, Normandy, France on 13 August 1944 as part of General George S. Pattern’s Third Army and attached to Fourth Armored Division. Our first brush with the enemy came the following night. We had our first fire mission on 22 August 1944 at dusk. Our artillery battalion stayed at Bois-ie-Rot, France from 22-24 August, m a short time we destroyed fourteen artillery pieces, horse drawn train and several hundred Germans, m this position the 179th had three men killed. I looked in a burned out German tank and observed one of the tank crew that had burned and about all that was left was his intestines still in place looking like link smoked sausage.

The 179th FA Bn was assigned the task of holding outpost at Fresnes-ne-Saulnois, France from 19-24 September 1944. Under dense fog a German tank was firing down on us from the hill above. Our artillery started firing point blank at the tank. The climax came on me fifth day when it was determined mat Germans were preparing a strong counter attack. I manned an outpost several hundred yards from the Battery with my machine gun in place and dug a two man foxhole. My partner and I sat back to back to observe both directions. It was raining steadily and mere were two of our men with bazookas about fifty feet away. About mid-aftenoon you could hear tanks beginning to rumble. It was overcast and still raining. Tanks were on our right moving toward our outfit I was continually praying to my God for help. There were several tanks in mat group. The clouds began to part In a little while, a squadron of P-47 fighter planes was circling overhead waiting for a clearing. It wasn’t long before they started diving on moving tanks with machine guns firing and well-aimed bombs stopped me German tank movement. One of the planes didn’t come out of the dive and exploded on contact with the ground. While this was taking place, there was much smoke and explosions. The 179th FA finished the task. The 35th Infantry Division relieved the 179th before nightfall. The 179th was recommended for the Presidential Citation for defense of this critical spot. The 179th had two men killed.

The 179th went in a holding position at Athienville, France from 28 September to 1 November 1944. On a quiet Sunday afternoon in mid-October, I was writing a letter home. I was sitting in a vehicle that my machine gun was pedestal mounted on. “B” Battery commanding officer was strolling around me battery area and stopped and was talking with me. At this time we heard me chatter of machine gun fire and roar of planes. I manned my machine gun and told the battery commander to get in my foxhole. The battery commander was larger than I and had difficulty squeezing in my foxhole. Scanning the sky, I saw German ME-109 fighter plane coming my way at tree top level to my left. I started firing just before the plane crossed in front of me. My tracers showed mat the plane was being riddled by machine gun fire and started a nose dive. The plane crashed landed about 300 feet to my right, exploding on impact with the ground. The battery commander was pleased with me results that Sunday. Five ME-109 fighter planes were attacking our area and five planes were shot down. On the first day of November 1944 the 179th  FA left Athienville, France, going toward Germany.

On the afternoon of 19 December, the 179th  FA left position Maginot Line at Rimling, France where our batteries were firing across the German border. We were unaware at me time that we were headed for the Battle of me Bulge in Belgium and Luxembourg. During the period of 11-17 December, me 179th FA Bn was called upon twice to furnish five percent of its table of organization strength for infantry replacements. In addition to my machine gun duties and because of me ammunition section manpower shortage, I was called on to assist the ammo section with unloading, stockpiling and delivery of 97 pound projectiles plus powder charges to the battery gun section. During the Bastogne mission, the 179th FA Bn was firing over 1,000 rounds of 97 pound projectiles in a 24 hour time frame. The temperature got down in the range of 13 degrees below zero and mostly in the zero range while supporting the 4th Armored Division during the Bastogne mission. The snow was deep and we used quarter pound TNT charges to break me crust of the ground in order to dig foxholes. My shoes cracked where they bent and hurt my feet I cut strips from a wool blanket and wrapped my feet and stuffed them in my oversized rubber boots. My blood soaked woolen underwear would freeze to my backside and with any movement, I could feel and hear me cracking. I was evacuated on 31 December 1944 by the battalion medic. Arriving at the hospital in Luxembourg City, I was put in a bathtub and warm water was continuously poured on my backside and me underwear was cut off a little bit at the time until it was all removed. I was then sent to a convalescent hospital in Nancy, France. When I was finally healed and I was released from the hospital back to duty, I returned to my outfit I have many more memories of the Battle of the Bulge and me 179th FA Bn travel across Europe from Normandy to Czechoslovakia, with Luxembourg, Belgium, Germany and Austria in between, that I could ever put on paper!

The end of January, the Bulge was no more and the 179th went in the holding position from 1-24 February 1945 at Siebenater (Bockholz), Luxembourg near the German border. “B” Battery moved in this large field that was covered with snow that was pretty deep and had small raised up mounds scattered around the field. Since we were in a holding position the kitchen truck set-up and began serving us hot meals. After a few weeks, the rains came and me snow melted. The small mounds scattered m the field turned out to be dead German soldiers. On 24 February 1945 we moved out of this area and went into Germany supporting me 4m Armored Division.

In Germany around March 1945 while stopped on a road in the country-side for a period of time, an enemy soldier (sniper) began firing on our column from a field. I kept looking and preparing to fire my 50 caliber machine gun but couldn’t see him. Firing continued at intervals and one of me artillery gun crew called out that he saw the sniper rise up and shoot He instructed me to watch his small caliber tracer mat he was going to fire. I watched me location of the tracer, which appeared to be near some small bushes located near what looked like a drainage ditch. After a few minutes I saw the sniper rise up to fire again. At this time I fired a good many shots because of the distance between the sniper and myself. After firing, I didn’t see me sniper again. In a few minutes I saw our half-truck going in the direction of where I had fired with the executive officer and several non-coms. They got out of me vehicle and were standing in a group looking down watching the sniper die. They got back in the vehicle and went back to the front area of die column. The incident was never mentioned, even though many of the battery had seen what happened. About 30 or 40 years later, I asked one of the non-coms (who later became first sergeant) who was in the half-truck checking on what I was shooting at, if I had dreamed that incident His reply to my question was, “That incident was no dream. I have waited all of these years for you to ask me about it” He said, “The German soldier mat I had shot was nearly cut in two and he had the SS tattoo showing mat he was one of Hitler’s elite troopers.” He also said that the German soldier had a P-38 pistol (hat was hit with one of my shots.

On 1 April 1945, Easter Sunday, in a small town or village near Frankfurt, Germany, our battery had pulled out on the road from the field, where we had bivouac me night before. While waiting for the Battalion to move out, I had my K-ration breakfast. Our vehicle was one of the last in column. The rest of me Battery and Battalion were stretched out through the town. There was a small low fenced in apple orchard next to me road and a barn with an open hayloft feeing me road. I had a nature call and stepped over me fence thinking I was out of sight At this time, what sounded like a German burp gun (rapid fire) started shooting and dirt was flying all over me. I looked up toward me barn and the open hayloft and saw some German soldiers around what seemed to be a jammed burp gun because it was not firing anymore. I jumped me low fence, climbed on my vehicle and started firing my 50 caliber machine gun. In a very short time the bam and hayloft were in flames. There was no activity seen in me hayloft. About the same time, snipers throughout the town started firing on our column which had started March order. Machine guns throughout the column started firing on the snipers as we went through the town. That night* we were a distance from me town that we had left and you could still see the red glow of fire in the sky.

In Germany around April 1945, we were going up a hill and it had been raining. Dead German soldiers had fallen all along the edge of the road, probably from machine fire from our tanks or fighter planes. I was manning my machine gun mounted on the tractor pulling our 155mm howitzer. Vehicles in front of us had made a rut, sliding a little bit sideways; one of the dead German soldier’s head was right beside the rut The large tires on our 155mm howitzer were sliding in line with the soldier’s head. I couldn’t look at what I thought would happen. I didn’t look back. The sight of our sliding howitzer will always be in my memory. On our drive through Germany about March and April, we came upon and near several fenced in barrack type buildings housing prisoners of war soldiers, labor camps and others. I remember this British POW running up to me with a big hug. He was so happy to see us! Reaching in his pocket, he came out with a large brass nut (about me size of a quarter + or -) with brass buttons soldered on each side, probably from his overcoat I asked me POW what it was and he showed me it was a cigarette lighter he made while a POW. With tears in his eyes he handed it to me and said, “I want you to have it” That cigarette lighter was prized by me for many years and was misplaced several years ago. I hope mat it will show up eventually.

I went into one of the labor camps occupied by laborers from countries Germany had invaded I assumed. They worked and harvested me farms and also did factory work. All of them we saw were very happy to see us. The first thing mat they asked for was cigarettes. We were able to give mem some. One of them wanted us to see me barracks or someone in there. We couldn’t understand what he was saying and he motioned for us to follow him. A couple of us followed behind him and went in this long barrack. Inside were two rows of double bunks with some of them occupied. The smell was like nothing I ever encountered. By mis time we bade mem good-bye but couldn’t get out before receiving many hugs.

Our column was stopped along the road in one of me small towns. Off to my side of the road was a mound of dirt and a small homemade cross marking a grave. Walking along me road going in the opposite direction from us were two men with sticks to assist mem in walking. They hobbled up to our vehicles, pointing to their mourns, indicating they wanted food. Both men were nothing but skin and bones. They were given food and the look on their faces said it all as they walked away in their striped clothes. It seems like many of me fenced in barrack type camps were located in East Germany. When you would see these men in striped clothes, it would mean that they were out of one of the camps. Usually the guards in these camps would leave just ahead of the advancing allies. Some of the camps were probably more humane than others. But, the one with that human waste smell in close quarters will stay in my memory. I was told about one and saw the pictures of skin and bones with heads attached and stacked like cords of wood, hardly recognized as humans, waiting to be tossed in a furnace had to be the worst. At the end on VE day, 8 May 1945, the 179th FA Bn was near Zechovice, Czechoslovakia (7-10 May). There was dancing in me streets by the Czechs and we were all very happy.

We moved back to Germany as military government forces (10 May – 1 June, 1945). We ended up in Bogen, Germany located on the Danube River, 1 June 1945. We set-up road blocks on all roads coming from die east, and we detained German soldiers who were fleeing the Russians. After searching them, they were moved to me fenced in compound with barracks located near Bogen. “B” Battery was housed in a former two story court house in Bogen. After a couple of weeks the Germans stopped coming and me compound was full. My buddy, Joe, and I were picked along with others to pull guard duty in me convoy transporting me German prisoners to a destination unknown. One morning before daylight, a large number trucks, jeeps and men assembled at me prisoner compound to start loading prisoners. The German prisoners must have sensed where they were going. At the start of the loading, one of the prisoners dashed around to the dark side of the truck and disappeared in the darkness and couldn’t be found. The convoy was loaded without any other mishaps. Jeeps with two men were scattered throughout me convoy. Dawn was breaking as we headed toward Austria. The convoy was going a pretty good speed when one of me prisoners jumped off the truck. The convoy couldn’t stop. Our jeep was near the end of the convoy. Every few hours the convoy would stop for periods of time. I assume for directions and nature stops. On one of me stops, we were in me mountains on a narrow road with a cabin close by. Someone came out and one of the prisoners asked if they had water.

They answered, “Yes”. After consultation, six were allowed to go inside me cabin; we could see the front and back with no problem. After a little while, March order was passed through the column to be ready for movement in a few minutes. We called to me prisoners that we were ready to go. They came out but I counted only five getting in the truck. I called to my buddy, Joe, who was close by the cabin. He went inside and lifted a spread on the bed that was hanging to the floor and called to come out. The prisoner came right out and climbed into the truck. In a few minutes the convoy started moving out.

We traveled a few more hours and came to a fairly big town. I think we were still in Austria near Czechoslovakia border and in the Russian zone. The convoy pulled over and stopped while still in the town. While stopped several civilians were talking to the German prisoners on the truck. They left in a short time and men an elderly couple appeared. The lady was crying as she held one of the prisoner’s hands. They stayed a long time holding hands and crying. I mink h was one of me prisoner’s parents. After being in this location close to an hour, the convoy moved out Traveling several miles (I believe we were led by Russians) and we came to a barbed wire fenced in compound. The Russians were taking charge of the prisoners as we unloaded them. Several of the prisoners tossed men-watches to the GI’s standing by the vehicles. I guess they preferred me Americans over the Russians. After all of the prisoners were unloaded, we followed me Russian vehicles a short distance to me buildings (I believe it was a Catholic convent) By this time it was night Armed Russian soldiers appeared along with nuns with rings of keys (I mink it was two nuns.) In my memory I picture a two story building with a long wide hall and rooms on each side. We probably had about 30 men including guards and drivers. There was a sort of a line following behind the Russians and the nuns. The rooms appeared to be locked. You could hear frightened children crying. There were women and children who had probably taken refuge at the convent If the rooms were empty two men would drop off and the line would be shortened. If me room was occupied, me Russian soldier would motion them to leave. If the door was difficult to open, he would point his gun at the lock and make the nun that much more nervous, indicating that he would open it with the gun. Finally, our turn came. Our room was occupied by a mother and several children, who had started crying when the soldier motioned for them to get out In a few minutes the mother and children came out carrying their few belongings. The Russian soldier motioned for Joe and me to go in. The soldier and the nun continued down the hall with the GI’s that were left. Joe and I were standing in the doorway looking at that mother in the hall trying to comfort those crying children. Joe looking at me and said, “Mac, we can’t do this.” I was thinking the same thing before he said a word. We walked over to that mother and children and motioned for them to go back in the room. The look on their faces was truly mat of deep appreciation. The mother and children returned to their room and the crying had just about stopped as they closed me door. Later on I heard a shot and have always wondered if mat was a room the nuns couldn’t get unlocked. We spread our sleeping bags out in the hall and went to bed with our shoes off and our clothes on.

After eating our K-rations breakfast, we returned to Bogen, Germany and continued our Army of Occupation. After a few months, we received orders to travel to Marseille, France, to board the ship to the Pacific. While waiting for the trip to Marseille, the war in me Pacific ended. Our orders were not changed, so we still went to Marseille to await our turn for travel to the states. After arriving in Marseille, Joe and I had duty at the Officers Club which was okay. After a month or two, I was sent to the Rivera on the Mediterranean at Nice, France. I had duty at me Motor Pool driving a jeep to check service stations gas consumption. I had a private room with meal service in a large hotel which was great After a couple of months, I received a call from the Battery and went by train back to Marseille. We boarded the Liberty ship back to the states. We landed at Newport News, VA after nineteen days at sea. Then we headed to Fort Bragg for discharge.

At wars end, the 179th Field Artillery Battalion final report showed the following:

•  48,996 rounds of 155 mm Howitzer projectiles were used against the enemy

• 2,350 tons weight of this ammunition

•  266 days of continuous combat

•  Over 1,000 prisoners captured For its World War II service, the 179th Field Artillery was awarded combat participation credit for five campaigns: Normandy, Northern France, Rhineland. Ardennes-Alsace, and Central Europe. It was also awarded the French Croix de Guerre with Palm for action at the Moselle River.