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From Steve Landry, BOBA Board Member

Dear BOBA Membership,

My name is Steven Landry and I’ve been nominated for the position of President of your Association by the Nominating Committee in accordance with our bylaws.  At present, I am the only nominated candidate but that does not exclude additional nominations from the membership prior to the election of officers in the Fall of 2023.  

As an organization, we are entering a period of transition occasioned by two related factors.  First, the age and health of our surviving WW2 veteran members, and second, the drawdown of the nest egg created by the sale of Lifetime memberships during the early years of the organization.  This situation was anticipated by the Strategic Planning Committee (which I chaired) but for a variety of reasons the committee’s recommendations were never functionally implemented.  We are now approaching a point of crisis, and I believe the membership should know where I, as your prospective President, stand.  As my good friend Gary Higgins is fond of saying, it’s YOUR organization.

First, a little bit about me.  My father, Joe Landry served in the Battle of the Bulge.  He was assigned to the 776th Automatic Weapons Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion.  If you don’t know me, you probably know him. I’ve been married to Diane (Bedard) Landry, the daughter of a Navy WW2 veteran, for 47 years and we have one adult daughter, Allison.

I’ve been a member of BOBA since about 2015 and have been on the Board since 2020.  I am a retired Army officer with ~21 years of service.  I hold a Doctorate in Chemical Engineering and an MBA, and have graduated from the Army Command and General Staff Course and the Program Manager’s Course at the Defense Systems Management College.  Since retiring from the Army in 1997, I’ve worked in private industry supporting programs for the Departments of Defense, Health and Human Services, and Homeland Security.  I plan to fully retire in November, 2023.  I’ve published two alternative history novels and one science-fiction anthology, with three more in various stages of development.

Now to the future of the organization.  On November 7, 2020 the general membership approved the following Mission Statement: “To perpetuate the memory of the sacrifices made by those who participated during the Battle of the Bulge, to preserve historical data and sites relating to the battle, to promote friendship among Battle of the Bulge veterans, their relatives and others interested in the battle, to foster and maintain international relations and good will with all Allied countries who were a part of the battle, and to support Chapters of The Battle of the Bulge Association.”  

Further, in January, 2021, the Board approved the following Vision Statement: “The Battle of the Bulge Association® will evolve from a Veteran Member-centric organization primarily focused on promoting fellowship among and honoring the Veteran Members to an enduring, financially-sound organization focused on honoring the history of the Battle of the Bulge and the memory of those who fought in the Battle, while promoting fellowship among the descendants of the Veteran Members and others interested in the Battle.” 

 I am fully committed to the Mission and the Vision, notwithstanding the implementation problems we’ve experienced over the last thirty months.  Unfortunately, our financial situation has further deteriorated during that span.  As of June 30, 2023, our reserves are down to about $63K when unspent Reunion expenses are figured into the calculation.  If not for two substantial donations in 2021 and our recent decision to eliminate two of the four 2023 editions of The Bulge Bugle, we would already be on the precipice of bankruptcy.  Clearly, we must evolve if we are to survive.

At present, there are numerous honest opinions regarding the future of our organization.  The primary tension, in my view, boils down to the balance between “honoring the history of the Battle of the Bulge” and “promoting fellowship” among the membership.  There are those that advocate a transformation into a historical society, much like the International Churchill Society.  Others advocate for more or less the status quo, with quarterly printed Bulge Bugles, annual Reunions, Commemorations, and five-year Anniversary trips, relying on largely imaginary cost savings, unrealistic membership projections, and unreliable donations.  Neither pure option is viable, in my opinion.  We need an alternative that blends the two approaches in a financially responsible manner.

The 2022 budget forecasted a loss of ~$30,000 and that loss was realized.  The 2023 budget forecasts a similar loss and we were on track to realize that loss until President John Mohor cancelled the Summer edition of the Bugle and the Board subsequently concurred with the cancellation of a second 2023 edition (either Fall or Winter).  Still, there will be a substantial loss this year.  These shortfalls are not the result of poor budgeting, but rather the execution of the previous strategic plan to near perfection.  They planned for the money to run out when the last veterans passed.  They expected the organization, then known as VBOB, to fold.

That is not the fate I or your other Board candidates endorse.  Rather, we want to follow the strategic Vision quoted above, to evolve to an enduring, financially-sound organization focused on honoring the history of the Battle of the Bulge and the memory of those who fought in the Battle, while promoting fellowship.

First, I want to address the financial challenges.  Change is often painful.  Recently, we took steps to put the organization on a more sound financial footing by raising the dues.  Due to some administrative issues occasioned by the departure of one Office Administrator and the health of her replacement, at the time of this writing, we are unable to assess the impact of the dues increase on membership.  We will have a complete picture in the next few weeks, however.

The current Board is implementing additional steps to reduce administrative costs, but the cost of producing, printing, and mailing The Bulge Bugle has become prohibitive, even with the dues increase.  To survive, we must move publication of the Bugle into the 21st Century.  At the next general membership meeting I will propose changes to the bylaws as follows:

  • Tier 1 Members (Battle of the Bulge Veterans) will continue to receive printed and mailed copies of The Bulge Bugles at no additional cost.
  • Tier 2 Members (all other members) will receive The Bulge Bugle as an electronic file only.  All Tier 2 members are required to provide the organization with an email address in order to continue receiving the Bugle.  The Bugle will also be available on the BOBA website.
    • All employees, officers, other Board members, appointed officers, and committee members will be required to sign Confidentiality Agreements to protect the Personally Identifiable Information of the members, to include a prohibition on sharing email addresses or using the email addresses for any other purpose than BOBA business.  
  • Members may purchase hardcopies of the Bugle from the online store for a price to be set annually by the Budget Committee.

In my view, the second major change required is to shift much of the administrative work of maintaining the organization away from paid staff to volunteers.  We can no longer afford to pay individuals to maintain our membership rolls, handle incoming and outgoing mail, operate a member hotline, or schedule events.  The incoming Board has agreed to step up but more help will be required.  In particular, the Board has proposed forming a Membership Committee to that will perform two functions: 1) recruiting and retaining members, and 2) maintaining the membership rolls.  We will need several volunteers for the committee.

Next, I want to talk about maintaining the legacy of the Bulge Veterans.  As the son of a Bulge Veteran and as a career Army officer, I believe we can and should do much more on this front.  Our Historian, Jim Triesler, has proposed monthly web events focused on the Battle, and our Bugle Editor, Leon Reed, has proposed much greater outreach and contact with other historical groups.  I endorse both these approaches, but I am also mindful that The Battle of the Bulge Historical Foundation folded.  Volunteers are the lifeblood of such organizations, and at present, BOBA does not have a tradition of volunteerism.  It will take time to build that tradition, and eliminating the “social club” aspect of BOBA will largely disengage those who are volunteering now.

Which brings me to the third element of the Vision statement, promoting fellowship.  We should continue to hold Reunions and Commemorations, and sponsor five-year anniversary tours, but those events must all be budget neutral.  But I take an expansive view of fellowship.  I believe BOBA is in a unique position to partner with many other WW2 veteran organizations, potentially becoming an umbrella organization that coordinates a synergistic relationship.  For example, we co-hosted the last two Reunions with the 87th Infantry Division association, and are now discussing rotating the administration of the Reunion between the two associations.  We need to build on that great work started by Allen Cleghorn and carried on by Andy Waskie.  And we must do more to support the Chapters, in particular having Board members attend Chapter gatherings.

If we get volunteers and if we don’t lose significant membership as a result of the Bugle and dues changes, I believe we can right the BOBA ship and set sail into the future.  However, if we don’t, then I am also committed not to let the organization just disappear.  We cannot wake up one morning, discover we are out of money, and just collapse.  That would not be fair to the members or the Chapters, which may want to continue as independent entities, and would potentially put people in jeopardy with the IRS.  If that sad day comes, we need to close out our bank accounts and accounting services, properly sever ties with any employees, notify the Chapters and help them navigate the tax issues, and publish a farewell issue of the Bugle.  All that costs money.  I estimate as much as $10-15,000.  I plan to refine that number in the coming months, but whatever the number, if our funds fall to that level, I will initiate an orderly shutdown.   Hope is not a plan.

I am optimistic that such a sad day will never come.  If we can get our financial house in order and implement our strategic vision, we can prosper.  As the posters at the WW2 Museum proclaim, “We Can Do It!”



Happy Birthday US Army

Originally written by my friend, Stuart Dempsey, Hall of Fame caliber Gettysburg licensed guide and D Day/Bulge tour guide (


On June 14, 1775, the Continental Congress authorized an American ‘Continental Army’ to be raised with troops from the thirteen colonies – soon to be states. The next day, Congress by unanimous vote appointed George Washington as the new army’s commander.

The image shown, by renowned military artist Don Troiani, portrays an enlisted man of that army, specifically the First Pennsylvania Battalion, as he would have appeared in 1776. Contrary to popular perception (which often has Continentals in blue uniform coats), brown was at least as common, and probably more so, particularly in the conflict’s early years.

The First Pennsylvania Battalion was raised for one year’s service, from late 1775 to late 1776. The unit served exclusively with the Northern Army on the Canadian front, from Quebec to Fort Ticonderoga. When the battalion mustered out, many of its members reenlisted in the new Second Pennsylvania Regiment, a unit that would go on to fight at Brandywine, Germantown, Monmouth, and – in reorganized form – at the final victory at Yorktown in 1781.

On this day, we honor the men and women who have served in the US Army’s ranks for the last 248 years.

Join us in New Orleans

Join Us in New Orleans

This promises to be an outstanding Reunion. Some of the main features:

  • A chance to stay at the often-filled Higgins Hotel at a superb conference rate.
  • Open access to the phenomenal World War II Museum next door
  • An opening night cocktail party (thanks to generous donations by the South Carolina chapter, South Carolina Military History Club, and the World War II Museum) provides an outstanding mingling opportunity
  • A series of engaging historical presentations, including, announced here for the first time,  “Occupation, Liberation, and the Bulge: Luxembourg in WWII,” presented by Luxembourg native, Dr. Joseph Dondelinger.
  • Another late-developing opportunity, we are being offered a pre-opening, behind-the-scenes of the last Museum pavilion. This is a special privilege offered to few groups
  • And if that wasn’t enough, open access to the manifold historic, scenic, gastronomic, and cultural treasures of “The Big Easy.”


the Winter Bugle,

the Spring issue that’s about to arrive in your mailbox,

this web page,

or the Facebook page for easy registration instructions.

BOBA Out in the Community

BOBA Historian Jim Triesler, Crater Chapter President Mary Ann Coates Smith, and Bulge Bugle editor Leon Reed represented BOBA at the World War II community event in Midlothian, VA on June 8. Jim Triesler organized the program and made several presentations, which focused on individual experiences during the war. Leon Reed and his wife, Lois Lembo, staffed an exhibit table for BOBA and made a presentation on the role of the 80th division in closing the southern end of the Bulge and breaking the siege of Bastogne. Mary Ann Coates Smith staffed a table of WWII artifacts, including material about her father, James Coates, who was killed in the Malmedy Massacre.

Betsy Rose (left) and Mary Ann Coates Smith (right)

Mail Miseries

We apologize for the delivery problems with the Fall 2022 Bulge Bugle issue. Our printer delivered the inventory of magazines to the post office right on schedule on December 5, and the magazines seem at that point to have departed this sphere for a different dimension. We have worked diligently with the post office to try to figure out what happened and locate the copies. However, the post office has been only minimally cooperative and seems helpless to deal with a lost delivery.

Theoretically, this should have been impossible. Our mailing service attached bar codes to all the magazines, which meant the postal service should have been able to locate them with a few keystrokes. We will continue to pursue this, but we are not optimistic.

Meanwhile, all members with an e-mail on file have received an electronic copy via the December e-blast that was sent. We are also providing a link here for easy access. We know this is not the same but it does at least give members a copy to page through. All BOBA members continue to have access to our most recent issues (via link provided in member e-blasts) as well as everyone has access to further back issues going back to 1982 on our website.

A second printing is cost prohibitive, however several board members have made generous contributions to underwrite a small quantity to deliver to as many veteran members as possible. Also, to avoid future problems, we are changing our process to deliver to a different postal location. Again, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has caused and thank you for your continued support and understanding.

Preserving Significant Battlefields

By Leon Reed, Bulge Bugle Editor

In a move that will have special meaning to BOBA members, the American Battlefield Trust announced that it is in negotiations to buy one of the most prominent remaining eyesores intruding on hallowed ground at Gettysburg. The link below describes the Trust’s fundraising campaign.

The property targeted by the Trust holds the Battlefield Theater and the popular restaurant, General Pickett’s Buffet. Those who enjoy Pickett’s will be pleased to know that the restaurant isn’t going away; it’s moving to larger quarters south of town. If the Trust acquires the property, it plans to clear and restore the property (which was near the left flank of Pickett’s Charge and the scene of some sharp skirmishing on July 3, 1863), provide some trails and interpretive signs, and turn it over to the park.                             

There are several reasons that this news should excite Battle of the Bulge veterans. First, the ground being purchased has several ties with General Eisenhower and World War II. During World War I, the land was part of Camp Colt, a tank training facility commanded by Dwight Eisenhower; during WWII, it served as a German POW camp. 

In addition, because they are the largest, bloodiest, and most important battles ever fought by the U.S. army, there is a natural kinship between veterans of these engagements. The massive Bulge battlefield has largely been protected by its rural status, but in Gettysburg, a town with limited land available for development and booming tourist and retiree economies, every parcel of land is at risk of development.

The announcement:

A video, which includes three photos by Bulge Bugle editor Leon Reed – 

Join Us For Our Annual Commemoration!


The Embassy of Belgium will host a reception for our veterans, family and friends on the afternoon of Thursday, January 25, 2024 to commemorate the end of the battle. Also included are 3 wreath-laying ceremonies at the Battle of the Bulge Memorial, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and WWII Memorial! We will also have a historical program with speakers and hospitality room on the evening of January 24th. Click the itinerary link below for details and register by the January 3rd deadline.




BOBA veterans to attend 8ARMDD Monument Dedication in Carlisle, PA

On Saturday June 25th, the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center (USAHEC) and the Army Heritage Center Foundation will host American Legion Post 405 for a dedication ceremony of a monument to commemorate the service of WWII’s 8th Armored Division.

The dedication ceremony is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. in the Memorial Grove area on the Army Heritage Trail. The public is invited and we hope to see you there!

The 8th Armored Division landed in Europe on January 5, 1945. Initial operations of the unit were to stop German advances during the Battle of the Bulge. The division subsequently participated in the Rhineland, Ardennes-Alsace, and Central Europe campaigns.

𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐰𝐨 (𝟐) 𝐖𝐖𝐈𝐈 BOBA 𝐯𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬:

𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐫, 95 years old, was a combat medic assigned to the 12th Infantry Regiment of the 4th Infantry Division. He landed on D-Day and participated in the Battle of Hurtgen Forest and the Battle of the Bulge. He is a member of American Legion Post 405 and Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge, Delaware Valley Chapter at the Chapel of the 4 Chaplains.

𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲, 99 years old, served in the Quartermaster Corps assigned to the 3rd Army. He landed in Normandy on D+22 and provided logistical support to the forward troops for the rest of the war. He is a member of American Legion Post 405 and Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge, Delaware Valley Chapter at the Chapel of the 4 Chaplains.

Click here the press release for more information.

Remember Christmas 1944


Battle around the city of Ettelbruck

The battle of Ettelbruck had to reach its highest point. The winter weather was very cold. At 7 o’clock in the morning, heavy battery fire started for half an hour.

TODAY, ETTELBRÜCK WILL BE TAKEN BY ASSAULT, declared the American units that had taken position on the heights of the Nuck.

The assault broke out again to the west of the city. The site of Gzrenzingen, one kilometer from the city, was nothing more than an armored fortress. About 27 of these monsters were in the farms. Pipes were coming out of all the openings of the building.

In turn, the heavy guns from Colmar, Bissen Vichten and Vom Rost hit the German-occupied heights around Ettelbruck.

By 10:00 a.m. the battle was in full swing, the weather was clearing, and on both sides of Ettelbruck fighter planes were attacking German-occupied positions in and around the city.

The American artillery fire gradually became unbearable for the rest of the inhabitants of Ettelbruck, who had to stay in the cellars.

The fighter-bombers supported the artillery and its squadrons and destroyed and burned down whole blocks of houses on Christmas night.

For the town of Ettelbruck, Christmas night was the worst night of all. Many German soldiers surrendered when American units arrived on that terrible, deadly night. Countless innocent soldiers lost their lives in this battle.


The Bulge Bugle® – Fall 2021 Features

To read the current Fall 2021 edition, join our organization

The following is content featured in the latest Bulge Bugle®.

  • In Memory of Tom Burgess (87 INFD)
  • The Luckiest Man in the World – Jake Larson (D-Day and Bulge veteran)
  • Remembering the Fallen: Bud Spear (82 ABN)
  • Salute to 143 AAA Battery C
  • BOBA Reunion Highlights
  • Bulge Combat and Scandal – Warren Fisher (28 INFD)
  • Bulge Memories! – Bob Burrows (80 INFD), Martin Sylvester (4 INFD), William Kronmueller (106 INFD)

To read more stories below from our previous 2021 Bulge Bugle® editions, join our organization

  • WWII Veteran Irving Locker (116 AAA Gun Bn) featured in presentation to Northern CA Belgian Club 08 Jan 2021
  • Memories of John Bowen, Devoted BOBA member, volunteer and historian
  • Check out Veteran Livestream Playbacks
  • Identify photos from the Patton Museum! – link coming!
  • A History of West Michigan Chapter (23) 1992 – 2020 – link coming!
  • Remembering the Battle of the Bugle – link coming!
  • ARMDD SPOTLIGHT – 8th ARMDD Association “The Thundering Herd”
  • BOBA Member Ken Mar Receives Gold Medal for Chinese-American Veterans
  • My Father’s War: Piecing it Together (9 ARMDD 2 TK BN A)
  • Priceless Gifts (35 INFD)
  • Brothers In The War (2 INFD)
  • The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion
  • Spotlight on the 106th INFD “Golden Lions”
  • Stopping the Germans and Saving the Bees – Vernon Brantley (75 INFD 289 REG AT CO)
  • Bulge Memories from Lionel Adda (99 INFD 393 INF D), J. David Bailey (106 INFD 422 REG F), Harold Grant Stoops (80 INFD 317 REG C), Harold W. Kimmel (212 QM LAUNDRY PLATOON), Raymond Wenning (30 INFD 117 REG A). Douglas Harvey (84 INFD 334 REG 1 BN HQ) Thomas E. Hoke (87 INFD 312 MED BN C)
  • More Bulge Memories from 99 INFD, 83 INFD, 80 INFD and 9 AIR FORCE!

The Bulge Bugle® – Summer 2021 Features

To read the current Summer 2021 edition, join our organization

The following is content featured in the latest Bulge Bugle®.

  • The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion
  • Spotlight on the 106th INFD “Golden Lions”
  • Stopping the Germans and Saving the Bees – Vernon Brantley (75 INFD 289 REG AT CO)
  • Bulge Memories! – J. David Bailey (106 INFD 422 REG F), Harold Grant Stoops (80 INFD 317 REG C), Harold W. Kimmel (212 QM LAUNDRY PLATOON), Raymond Wenning (30 INFD 117 REG A). Douglas Harvey (84 INFD 334 REG 1 BN HQ) Thomas E. Hoke (87 INFD 312 MED BN C)

To read more stories below from our previous 2021 Bulge Bugle® editions, join our organization

PFC Brodin finally receives his medals in September, 2020

Arthur L Brodin was born February 22, 1923 and was raised on the family farm between the towns of Firestone and Longmont in Northern Colorado. Arthur was finishing a day of skiing on Berthoud Pass when he heard the news of Pearl Harbor. Arthur had a job delivering anesthesia products that delayed his entrance to the military, but it set him up to become a Surgical Technician in the European Theater.  

On December 7, 1941, Japan staged a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, decimating the US Pacific Fleet. When Germany and Italy declared war on the United States days later, America found itself in a global war.

PFC Brodin enlisted in the Army at Fort Logan, CO on April 22, 1943.  After completing a year of training, PFC Brodin was shipped out of NY on October, 1944, and arrived in England a few weeks later. Then came the preparations for D-Day. He found himself in a plywood glider in the dark of night and braced for a crash landing. He was the medic aboard the glider full of a company of engineers with orders to either guard or blast a bridge southwest of Normandy France, depending on whether friends or foes were coming at the bridge.

Soon he re-joined his outfit – the Medical Attachment of the 549th Anti-Aircraft Automatic Weapons Battalion, 87th Infantry Division (“Golden Acorn Division”) and their next destination was Metz, France. As part of Patton’s Third Army, the 87th progressed to the Saar Valley and then to Bastogne where he fought in the Battle of the Bulge. Then to Aachen, Koblenz, Mainz, across the Rhine to Falkenstein (near the Czech border). Just 3 weeks prior to Falkenstein, Art’s unit was one of the divisions that liberated Buchenwald on April 11 – something he will never forget. 

The date was May 7, 1945. Art was in Falkenstein, Germany and his division had taken Falkenstein on May 6. He heard the news – Germany had finally surrendered! PFC Brodin was in Falkenstein when the Germans began retreating. There was lots of celebration in the unit and Art wondered, “What’s going to happen to us now?”

Art often thought of home – a place he missed dearly. He missed the family farm – he missed his dad, brother, and sister.So many times, he wondered if he’d ever see them again. So many close calls over a period of 11 months. On that day, May 7, he felt like he WOULD be seeing everyone again – but when? He would have to wait, but one thing he knew – no more fighting. Everyone could put down their arms.  

After the war ended, Art was in Antwerp, Belgium to be a part of the Operation Forces. When he was finally on his way home, during the ship transit back to the states, PFC Brodin assisted the ship’s doctor in an emergency removal of a soldier’s appendix. He was honorably discharged on February 5, 1946.  

When he arrived home, his thoughts were on resuming life as normally as possible. Like so many others, he wanted to put the war behind him as much as possible. The furthest thing from his mind were medals. He learned that he should have applied for his medals but by the time he learned about that, he thought it was too late. He resumed his life on the farm, married his wife, Luella of 68 years and raised a family of 3children- Phillip, Brenda and Bob.

About a year ago, his son and daughter-in-law learned that it would be possible for Art to get the medals that he deserved. His family followed up and contacted their local Congressman Ken Buck who contacted the Army to obtain the medals. PFC Arthur Brodin received his well-deserved medals on September 26, 2020 (over 75 years after the war ended). His family couldn’t have been more proud of their father, grandfather and great grandfather – their Hero. 

Submitted by Bob Brodin, Arthur’s son

Happy Birthday to Bulge veteran George Merz!

George Merz turned 96-years-young today! 

George (818 MP CO VIII CORPS) keeps very BUSY and active with the Battle of the Bulge Association (BOBA). Last Fall, George participated in two Livestreams about Battle of the Bulge with BOBA historian Jim Triesler.

Click here to watch George Merz during BOBA’s first-ever Livestream event in October 2020 (co-sponsored by Va War Memorial and Lifelong Learning Institute in Chesterfield).

Also, check out GEORGE MERZ’s follow-up interview from December 16, 2020 – the 76th Anniversary of the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge.

Thank you, George, for all you do for B.O.B.A. to educate us on what happened during your service, especially in Bastogne! We hope you have a wonderful and Happy Birthday!

Pictured above: Last Fall, George (at right) took a flight on the Missouri “Show Me” B-25 Bomber in Bowman Field, Louisville, KY. (Photo Credit: Betty Doggendorf)

Honoring Lionel Adda

BOBA lost one of our long-time founding members of the VBOB Lehigh Valley Chapter this week, Lionel Adda (99 INFD 393 REG). Chapter president Steve Savage said, “He was one of the Mainstays in our education program almost from the very beginning and spoke to hundreds of students and adults over the years. We shall miss him, his wit, his guidance, and his friendship.”

Lionel Adda

On his birthday (January 17, 2021), Lionel sent us an article he wrote for our “Bulge Memories” column which is printed in the The Bulge Bugle®  Winter magazine. We wish he could have seen it in print, but we are so glad he recorded his experiences so that we could share his memories. Lionel was 99 years old. Condolences to family and all his friends in Lehigh Valley VBOB.

Click here to read about Lionel’s Christmas on Elsenborn Ridge.