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Part 2 of presentation on Peiper

Many of us learned a great deal during last week’s online presentation on Kampfguppe Peiper, the leading edge of the German Ardennes offensive. Part 2 looks at how U.S. forces wrapped them up.

Knee Deep Into History is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: KDIH Seminar: The Encirclement and Elimination of KG Peiper

Time: Mar 9, 2025 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 876 7145 8032

Passcode: 894913

Ben Berry featured

The Spring 2025 issue of World War II History magazine featured our own Ben Berry in an excellent article by Kevin Hymel. It tells us a lot about Ben’s life and about his record in WWII.

World War II History is the only remaining mass market WWII magazine and is worth a look. Ben’s profile is the 3rd article published in Carl Gnam’s family of magazines about a BOBA stalwart member. Earlier articles featured Darrell Bush and Harry Miller.

He has also published two articles by our Outreach director, Leon Reed.

To subscribe:

Join us for the Battle of the Bulge Conference in Gettysburg, PA!

Join us on the anniversary of the last day of the battle January 25, 2025 from 8:30am-5pm for the 2nd Annual Battle of the Bulge Conference at the WWII American Experence Museum in Gettysburg, PA! Susan Eisenhower and others including several BOBA members and Leon Reed will be presenting! 

Book your stay by clicking here for the BOBA discounted hotel link.

Click here for all program details.

Christmas Gift: Bulge Christmas Memories

80 years ago. Christmas 1944, Ardennes Forest. Collected booklet of Christmas stories of Bulge veterans. 60 pages, $15, including shipping. PayPal or Venmo leonsreed[at]gmail[dot]com. Proceeds to BOBA.

For any veteran of the Battle of the Bulge, Christmas was never again just another holiday. Nine days after the commencement of von Rundstedt’s offensive, Christmas Day occurred while the battle was at its peak fury. By Christmas Day, everyone knew they were dealing with an all-out German counteroffensive and most of the units that were going to be engaged had arrived in the theater of action. And, for the most part, the battle continued to rage as if December 25 was just another day.

The common denominator of memory for Bulge veterans was the relentless, unforgiving cold. The bone-chilling cold that sank into your soul. The 24/7 losing battle to keep your feet dry. The impossibility of digging a foxhole. Wearing every scrap of clothing you could dig up and still being cold. The fear of frostbite and trench foot.

There were other demons as well. The ever-present fear of German tanks, “screemin’ meemies,” and tree burst shrapnel. The fear that every American GI you didn’t know was one of Otto Skorzeny’s men, an English-speaking assassin or saboteur, someone whose directions would send you straight into a German trap.

For most GIs, the memory of Christmas 1944 was the memory of just another day of fighting, perhaps interrupted at some point during the day with the realization that, “Hey, some Christmas, huh?” But for some, there were genuine moments of tenderness, joy, and “goodwill toward men.” For some, the day brought special joy. A few had an opportunity to show kindness to civilians or received kindness from them. Some remembered a tiny detail that brought back memories of better days: a scraggly Christmas tree with improvised decorations, or singing Christmas carols. Some made it to a church or some other facility temporarily converted for religious usage and had a special spiritual experience.

Christmas dinner, sometimes delayed, was for some a real feast, “best Christmas dinner ever,” while for others it was a mostly frozen drumstick shoved into their hands by an equally chilled GI, headed on toward the next foxhole. A few salvaged some moments of joy in the midst of the combat.

And for all GIs, there was the universal longing for the end of the war and a return home to a normal life. Staff Sgt Frank Lembo could have been speaking for all GIs in a series of letters to his fiance, all written around New Years Day.

“New Year’s evening and now all the holidays are gone, and my fondest hope now in this coming year we will be able to get back together again. … When I’m on a boat and heading home, then and then alone will I believe this is over with.”

“I was just thinking about that last day together that we had, and how perfect it was, and how long a way I’ve come since then. I can remember that boat ride to England, our trip across the Channel, going into action and suffering a thousand deaths when we heard our first artillery shell, the mad dash across France – a ride with its wine, flowers, ripe tomatoes and eggs – the storming of our first river and the fighting beyond, Christmas in Belgium, New Year in Luxembourg… Yes we’ve come a long way. We’re a little tired, a little older, and a little bitter. We fight hoping each battle is the last one with thoughts of going home and enjoying a peaceful life. Our thoughts run to our sweethearts who we long for, each letter being a five-minute furlough with the one you love ~ yes darling just thinking.”

The memories the old soldiers kept were as varied as the old soldiers themselves. For some, there were the memories of the nice moments. Others remembered the not-so-nice moments but used the occasion to be grateful for their current blessings. Many expressed pride in a job well done while others recalled “the real heroes,” the ones who didn’t make it home. With the passage of time, memories softened for some and some opened up and described their experiences. But many others never got beyond the ghosts of 1944, and for them, Christmas season remained a lonely struggle. But one way or another,there were few Bulge veterans for whom Christmas season didn’t involve a return to the woods of Belgium or Luxembourg.

BOBA/VBOB Monuments

VBOB/BOBA Monuments 46

Local chapters have built more than 46 monuments to the Battle of the Bulge at various U.S. locations.

Arizona: Phoenix, Tucson

California: San Francisc

Florida: Boynton Beach, Eustis, Melbourne, Orlando

Georgia: Thomaston

Indiana: Merrillville, South Bend

Iowa: Boone

Kansas: Abilene

Maryland: Ft. Meade

Massachusetts: Brewster, Framingham, Hyannis, Quincy, Winchendon, Worcester

Michigan: Traverse City

Mississippi: Hattiesburg

Missouri: Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis)

New Jersey: Ft. Lee, Port Monmouth

New York: Camillus, Charlotte, East Meadow, Rochester, Schuylerville, Staten Island

Ohio: Rittman

Pennsylvania: Annville (Ft. Indiantown gap), Boalsberg, Carlisle (Window, monument)*, Greensburg, Wayne

Rhode Island: Barrington

Texas: Dallas-Fort Worth?, San Antonio, Ft. Cavazos

Vermont: Randolph

Virginia: Arlington Cemetery, Fairfax, Ft. Monroe (Hampton)

Wisconsin: Wausau

Verified. We are trying to verify the location and condition of each of our monuments. Thanks to the people who took the trouble to verify the location and condition of some of our monuments:

Winchenden, MA (Joe Landry); Jefferson Barracks, MO (BOBA);  Staten Island, NY (members); Rittman, OH  (Joe Wollet); Boalsberg, PA (Leon Reed); Carlisle monument (Tom Vossler); Carlisle window (Leon Reed); Fort Indiantown Gap (Gary and Alice Higgins); Wayne (Leon Reed); Arlington, VA (BOBA); Wausau, Wisconsin (Quentin LaFond)


Jake Larson featured in NBC documentary

BOBA’s Jake Larson was the star of a documentary on American veterans broadcast by NBC during the Olympics. The documentary is titled “In the Company of Heroes” and first ran about 5 pm (EST) on Saturday, August 3.

Jake was filmed meeting a family that he has befriended over the years and also got the coveted “old veteran stands on the beach and reflects” slot.

Florida Orchestra performs The Ardennes March

Congratulations to BOBA Bulge veteran member Frederick L. Faulkner (3257 SIG SVC CO)! On May 12, 2024, the Florida Orchestra played his Ardennes March for the first time during their Pops in the Park event, their largest concert of the year, and Fred also conducted the Stars and Stripes Forever.

Click here to check out the media coverage.

Fred has composed 3 pieces for concert band that recognize and honor the participants of Pearl Harbor, The Battle of the Bulge and Viet Nam. Having played piano and the reed instruments in concert and jazz bands over the years as a hobby, he decided to write something that would honor these wars that he had lived through and participated in. Fred is a long-standing member of BOBA Chapters 23 and 32.

Bravo, Fred, and thank you for your service!

Help BOBA Be Thrifty

BOBA communicates with members primarily through email, including The Bulge Bugle®. Doing so helps us be thrifty by reducing postage costs. If you have not received emails from us lately, we probably don’t have your email address. Send your current email address to and we’ll get you back in the loop. Thank you!

Presentation at WWII Museum

BOBA is part of an interesting sounding 3-part program this coming Saturday at the WWII American Experience museum in Gettysburg. I’ll go on at 2 with a talk about how we geared up for WWII. From a standing start (basically, a 150,000 man army armed with World War I weapons in 1937), we created a 16 million person armed forces and out-produced the rest of the world. The story of how we did that is one of the great accomplishments of the 20th century.

Come on out, it should be a great series of talks

BOBA Members Civil War Meetup

What better place to meet a BOBA colleague than at a Civil War Roundtable meeting? That’s what Bugle editor Leon Reed and Lehigh Vally chapter president Steve Savage just did. Leon was there to discuss his new book, Fort Sumter’s Long Shadow: Lincoln Calls for Troops, the North Creates an Army, and the Upper South Reconsiders Secession.

Malmedy massacre victim’s daughter reflects

Their experience in World War II had a lasting impact on the men who served, but that’s not the limit of this war’s effects. The children of World War II soldiers also grew up in the shadow of this war. None were affected more profoundly than children whose fathers perished. In this video, BOBA’s treasurer and invaluable volunteer Mary Ann Coates Smith reflects on the father she never knew, killed in the Malmedy Massacre.