Register ASAP for our January events and Commemoration

Join our Bulge veterans and their families to recognize all those who participated and sacrificed their youth at the Battle of the Bulge. We have exciting events planned including an educational program, wreath ceremonies and a reception at the Embassy of Belgium in DC. 

JANUARY 24, 2024 – WWII educational program with speakers, Bulge veterans, and WWII displays! Featured Speakers – Author Andrew Biggio (pictured far right) will share stories from his latest book, The Rifle 2. Books will be available and a book signing with Andrew as well as with Bulge veteran Jake Ruser (pictured in the center) who is featured in the book. Also, BOBA Historian Jim Triesler will host a panel of our WWII veterans who are in attendance and our Bugle Editor Leon Reed will also be a presenter.

JANUARY 25, 2024 – Join us for a guided tour to commemorate the 79th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge with wreath-laying ceremonies at the Battle of the Bulge Memorial, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and WWII Memorial, then celebrate with a reception hosted by the Embassy of Belgium!

JANUARY 27, 2024 – Extend your trip and attend the Battle of the Bulge Conference in Gettysburg on January 27, 2024!  Click here for details and to register.

If you are unable to join us, please consider donating to our Wreath Fund in memory of a Bulge soldier.