I tell my kids that WWII veterans saved the world. Your Nov 2013 newsletter shows a new member Robert Pidcoe from the 1st infantry division. Would you publish and/or please forward him this correspondence.
My grandfather was PFC George Tammara 1st division, 26th regimental combat team. He wore the Big Red One. He was a replacement rifleman and went through rifleman training in Florida from July 1944—Oct 1944.
I have done significant research on George Tammara and his unit, The Blue Spaders in WWII. George Tammara was killed in March of 1945 after fighting in the Northern Shoulder of the Battle of the Bulge and crossing at the Remagen bridgehead. I worked hard to get all of his medals awarded posthumously and have compiled much information regarding his WWII service.
I am looking to find anyone who knew George Tammara during WWII. I would very much like to speak with and/or meet anyone who knew my grandfather. More information on George is found at www.WWIIHERO.COM
Thank you to all the WWII veterans for saving the world.
Randolph George Tammara
215 880 8536