Diary of John Rafalik, 535th AAA, Battery D

Submitted by Gary D., Associate member who attended the Battle of the Bulge Veterans Reunion in Columbus Georgia,  Sept 2011. I was searching for members that were in the 535th AAA Battery D. We went because earlier this year I found a diary from a solider from the 535th AAA  Btry D. I had it out for display as the Corporal was in the Battle of the Bulge.  I am copying the daily logs from the Battle of the Bulge for everyone to read. The diary has hand drawn maps pictures, and more. I plan on getting the diary printed. Both of my grandmothers were French. My paternal Grandma was a war bride marrying a US solider. She was from the village Avaux sur Aisne.

The Diary of John Rafalik, 535th AAA, Battery D

6 June 1944 trip across channel rather quiet broken only by two submarine alerts. depth charges were dropped and we proceeded on towards the coast. at 0800prepared to disembark. final inspection of packs, equipment. ship struck a mine at 0750stern has been badly hit and she is afire amid-ship. 0840 left ship for British destroyer escort. transport is already awash and burning fiercely. many are still left on board.Susan B Anthony rolls over and goes down at 0932 hours left destroyer for landing craft hit the beach sugar red at 1235 minus equipment and rifles. Picket up and used German equipment.dug foxholes 200 yards from beach. enemy artillery fire was very light. ME 109’s were over staffing the area a number were shot down. P47 dive bombed German positions 1000 yards to our right violent explosions resulted. Enemy was over at intervals during the night. snipers were active and paratroopers were reported in the area.Heavy and small arms fire went on all night. 88’s sank a number of ships in the anchor area. Mine fields were very heavy and were many casualties. the navy pounded away at German positions steadily throughout the twenty four hour period

13th dec Heavy concentrations of artillery fire, no air action.

14th dec Krinkelt bombed at 1300 hours, artillery fire continued, no air activity

15th dec 1944 Little of note recons over, artillery fire was light.

16th dec. Enemy artillery fire began at 430 hours continuing all day. Damage was extensive, artillery action was violent.

17th dec. Enemy attack was launched with heavy air and tank support (SS). Intense artillery preparation preceded the assault. General withdrawal began about 1600 as enemy columns broke through. Went into anti-tank positions. Casualties were heavy. Retreat began at 1700 hours, general withdrawal all along the lines.

‎18 dec 1944 regrouped much material lost set up in new positions with 370th FA A battery at camp Elsenborn. Enemy artillery fire was very heavy all day

19 dec 1944 enemy drive continues artillery fire was particularly heavy all day 16 fw 190’s over at 1700 4 downed

20 dec heavy artillery action all day many hostiles were over

‎21 dec 1944 inclement weather no air action artillery fire continues
22 dec 1944 bad weather again enemy artillery fire continues
23 dec 1944 enemy aircraft were over heavy artillery fire continues some bombs fell in the area

‎24 dec 1944 clear weather heavy concentrations of our bombers were over German flak was heavy a number of our aircraft were shot down. P47 strafed our position today.German aircraft were up in strength over our sector

‎25 dec 1944 large scale air activity by both sides two me 109 were destroyed at 1100 today me 262 and fw190 were over night activity by the germans was reported bed check charley was over at intervals heavy counter battery fire

26 Dec 1944 Continuing air assaults numerous German aircraft up. V1’s and 2’s were over P47machine guns the positions.

27 Dec 1944 Air assaults continue a number of me 109’s over at 1045 three were destroyed. P47 ‘s dive bombed field artillery positions at 1500. Counter Battery fire was heavy.
28 Dec 1944 Heavy German artillery fire. section received two near misses. 50 Cal was knocked out. Enemy aircraft were over during the night.

29 Dec 1944 Enemy aircraft were over , artillery exchanges were sharp.

30 Dec 1944 Enemy aircraft were over at intervals bombing field artillery installations. Heavy artillery fire continued.

31 Dec 1944 two me 262 over at 1100 hours bombed artillery positions. artillery fire was heavy on both sides.

1 Jan 1945 German aircraft were up in strength a a number of ME’s 109 were over at 0835,0850,0910. seven were shot down. Heavy counter battery fire though out the 24hr period

2nd. Bomber and fighter formations were over. numerous German aircraft were up through out the 24 hour period. heavy artillery duals continued.

3rd. Inclement weather single FW 190 over at 1420, FA bombed.

4th. Bad weather prevails bomber formations were over at 1200, 1300-1340 hours. 88mm air burst overhead.

5th. Inclement weather restricted air activity. two p47’s strafed our positions at camp Elsenborn.

6th. Low ceiling again. Hostile aircraft were over during the night. Artillery action was light to medium.

7th. ME 262 over at 1225 hours , bombed 1st division 105’s. Artillery action continued as before.

8th Little of note, continuing artillery action V-1s were over

9th Inclement weather held activity to a virtual stand still

10th Little of consequence. no major action to speak of

11th. Increased counter battery fire, a number of bombers were over

12th. There was heavy artillery coupled with intense small arms fire. German patrols were active.

13th. Four FW 190’s were over at 1407. Intense 88 fire towards Elsenborn. Air activity was increased somewhat.

14th. Inclement weather. two ME 109’s over at 1534 hours.

15th. Bombers and fighters formations over. P38’s bombed enemy installations one mile east. Artillery exchanges continued.

16th. Increased air activity., two MK seven Spits down at 1548, 1615.

17th. Counter battery fire increased during morning hours. Flying bombs over at various intervals.

18th. Driving snowstorm. V bombs were over. Incoming mail was of large caliber 170 or 210mm.

19th Weather again restricting most activity.

20th. Inclement weather. nothing but artillery fire and v bombs.

21th. Enemy aircraft were over at intervals. artillery was limited to harassing fire. V bombs were over

22nd. P47 down at 1010 hours . Heavy aerial activity and an increase in counter battery fire. 2130 V bombs over

23rd. Relatively quiet. Light artillery exchanges.

24th. Light 88 fire, heavy machine gun fire to the east.

25th Nothing of note, sporadic artillery fire

26th. inclement weather, a few fighter bombers were over