Luc Frieden, Luxembourg, Minister of Finance, honors VBOB

On February 13, 2012 Luc Frieden visited Arlington National Cemetery to lay wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknowns and the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge Memorial. Afterward the minister met with the veterans who were in attendance.
Photos by Robert Rhodes

(l-r) Lou Cunningham, 106th ID; Mike Levin, 7th AD; Luc Frieden, Luxembourg, Minister of Finance; David Bailey, 106th ID


(l-r) Luc Frieden, Luxembourg, Minister of Finance; David Bailey, 106th ID


Mike Levin, 7th AD
(l-r) Alan & Lou Cunningham, 106th ID-son and father
(l-r) Lou Cunningham, 106th ID; Sarah Khabirpour, Cabinet of the Minister; Jean-Paul Senninger, Luxembourg Ambassador to the United States

 It was indeed an honor to be treated so generously by the Luxembourg Embassy at a wreath laying at our BOB Memorial in Arlington. Those of us who were there welcomed a warm reception on a delightful February day.  I must say that the beautiful wreath with the fresh flowers won over the attendees.  Read the letter I sent today to the Ambassador of Luxembourg expressing our grateful thanks.  President David Bailey