G144-45 remembers the 82nd Airborne

I am part of a UK based living history group called GI44-45. We join with other like-minded individuals in the UK and continent and at least four times in the winter months travel to Belgium where we walk in the footsteps of American units that served during the Battle of Bulge. Being in the same venue, at the same type of year, wearing the same uniforms, and its a real eye-opener. How those young GI’s survived all that was thrown at the them, and then some, earns my utmost respect.

Last year we recreated the 120 mile journey in trucks when the 82nd Airborne were sent up to plug the gap in the line. Out next event is on 23rd February when we head once again to Belgium and walk in the footsteps of the 82nd Airborne.

I thought your members might be interested that there are living historians who are involved in ensuring people are reminded about the sacrifices that young Americans made during the winter of 1944/45.
visit our web site

All the best,

Paul Costin