Despite a foggy and rainy day, many members of the C-47 Club came to Trois-Ponts to honor the US soldiers who fought in this area during the Battle of the Bulge.
The events were organized by the CADUSA association. After a mass at St Jacques church in Trois-Ponts, we all followed for the ceremonies in Rochelinval, honoring the 551st Parachute Infantry Battalion. We then continued our remembrance tour to the village of Spineux, honoring the 424th Infantry Regiment/106th Infantry Division and the 112th Infantry Regiment/28th Infantry Division.
The day ended with one last ceremony at the Logbierme Monument, followed by a reception a great meal in the Wanne Castle. As all members were present, C-47 Club President Ed Lapotsky had planned a meeting and this proved very useful, as we are now moving ahead with some major activities in the Ardennes Region. Present were all members of the Belgian C-47 Chapter and Francine Noyon as European coordinator.
Submitted by Patrick Brion