The Fort Benning ceremonies held on November 11, 2012 were conducted on the walkway by the National Infantry Museum where hundreds of pavers are placed to honor other veterans and unit of all wars. General (Ret)Carmen Cavezza, President, National Infantry Foundation was master of ceremonies, followed by Dr. Frank Brown who provided the Invocation and the guest speaker was Col. (Ret) Ralph Puckett, a highly decorated Infantry Officer.
General Cavezza recognized the National President elect of the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge Association, Colonel (Ret) Douglas C. Dillard who represented his Association.

The General commented on the generous donation that will fund, specifically free admission to the IMAX theater where significant films of the Battle of the Bulge will be shown on remembrance days such as Memorial Day, Veterans Day and in December of each year the commemoration of the Battle of the Bulge.
The Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge Association, Inc. recently donated a generous amount of funds to the National Infantry Foundation at Fort Benning, Georgia as part of its support to preserve the history of the gallantry displayed by the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge, the greatest land battle, the U S Army had ever fought under frigid weather conditions. The Battle eventually defeated the might of the Hitler’s German forces and furthered the end of World War II.