NE Kansas Chapter (69) Presents
Celebration of the 67th Anniversary
The Battle of the Bulge
January 14, 2012
American Legion Post 17 Manhattan, Kansas
11:00 AM open house reception for Bulge Veterans
11:30 AM General Admission $10 Lunch Included PROGRAM
Historical View: Battle of the Bulge Dr. Jerold Brown, US Army Command and Staff College Luxembourg Veteran Celebration 2011: Veteran Jim Sharp Today’s Military Family: Ft. Riley Military Affairs
WWII Displays Old Military Vehicles, WWII Artifacts, Book Sales
For information
Reservations contact Megan at the Manhattan, Kansas Chamber of Commerce at 785.776.8829 subject line “BoB Registration”
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. Ronald Reagan click here to download the flyer