My name is Mike Smeets, 40 years of age and a (spare-time) historical researcher from the Netherlands. For many years already I have been studying the actions of the infamous Battle group Peiper and its US adversaries during the Battle of the Bulge, December 1944 – Jan. 1945. I have had the privilege to receive the support of many veterans from both sides, as well as civilian time-witnesses. I also visited the battlefield(s) numerous times as I live only about one hour drive by car from where it all happened. I heard and read the stories of courage, duress and horror and every time became more convinced that these stories should be preserved for the future and the sacrifices not forgotten.
I also adopted two graves at the US War cemetery at Henri-Chapelle, BE and visit them as often as possible. Although during the last few years several books were published who deal with the Northern front of the Bulge, it still is a somewhat forgotten chapter. For many Americans and Europeans Bastogne still stands synonymous for the US victory at the Bulge. In fact – the German push in the Northern sector was the most important one!! Krinkelt/Rocherath, Bullingen, Dom Butgenbach, Stavelot, La Gleize and Stoumont are only a few names where heavy battles to place and many lives lost!
I am aware that there are other researchers and authors who are also keeping the history alive and preserved for future generations. Please contact me if you can supply information about the battle at the above mentioned towns and villages against the German 1st and 12th SS Panzer divisions (also including the fights against these divisions in the southern sector at Lutrebois/Lutremagne/Losagne/Remonfosse/Saiwet and Hill 535). It would be very much appreciated!
Mike Smeets
Akkerwinde 27
6374 RD Landgraaf