H.R.H. Prince Philippe and H.R.H. Princess Mathilde of Belgium, and Major General Michael S. Linnington, Commander of the Joint Force Headquarters National Capital Region participated in a wreath laying ceremony at the Battle of the Bulge Memorial in Arlington National Cemetery on Sunday, June 26, 2011. The event honored the fallen heroes in America’s largest land battle in history.
The Crown Prince and Princess spoke individually to all Bulge veterans present in recognition of their service to their country and Belgium during World War II. The Prince, the next heir to the throne, was very cordial and warmhearted in his remarks to the Veterans and responsive to their comments.
We at VBOB were indeed pleased at our large representation of Veterans and Associate Members of the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge along with their friends and family who also attended this special event.
Also present for the ceremony were H.E. Steven Vanackere, Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium, Ambassador and Mrs. Jan Matthysen, Military Attaché Mike Delobel and other Belgium dignitaries.
The Prince and Princess participated in a public wreath ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns prior to the commemorative event at the Battle of the Bulge Monument in Section 21 of Arlington Cemetery.
The royal couple came to Washington with a delegation of 300 Belgian business men to help create investment and trade for Belgium. The princess married into the royal family in 1999 and now lives the life of a modern monarch, raising four children, embracing causes, and preparing to be queen one day.
We at VBOB are indeed proud to have this famous young couple as our friends.
J. David Bailey, National President, VBOB
The following photos were submitted by Robert Rhodes.