I live in Erie, PA and am a member of a World War II re-enactor group: the 99th Infantry Division, 393rd Regiment, Easy Company. This group was formed in 1999; I joined them in 2003. The actual 99th first saw action in World War II at Elsenborn Ridge in Belgium in December 1944. Their nickname is “Battle Babies.” As a replacement, I was sent to the 7th Armored Division in France in September 1944. I was with the 7th Division until June 1945. After a couple of real close calls – one with “Screamin’ Meemies” in Holland and one at Manhay, Belgium, on Dec. 24th, 1944. I earned five battle stars during my tour with the 7th. I was transferred to the 2nd Armored Division for occupation duty and was discharged in Pennsylvania on Dec. 30th 1945. I can still wear my Class A uniform from 1945.1 wore that in my first parade with the 99th re-enactors in 2003. The younger ones were concerned about me at first but found that I could keep up with them. I had to get another uniform for field duty and all the rest of the military gear. I also collect items for our “Living History” displays that we do for different groups. In our group, we have two jeeps, a member with a .30 cal. machine gun and another who has a B.A.R. Our group participated in several battle re-enactments. My favorite re-enactment was one near Detroit in which there were five battles and plenty of American and German World War II vehicles. In 2006 and 2007, we hosted in Dunkirk, N.Y., battles re-enacting the raid on Dieppe, France, and the landing on Utah Beach. In 2009, the 99th hosted our first “Bridge at Remagen” battle re-enactment at Tidioute, PA on the Allegheny River.